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Bostoner Rebbe Shlita in Tiveria

bThe Bostoner Rebbe, HaRav Naftoli Horowitz, Shlita was in Tiveria for the lighting the bonfire at adjacent to the tziyun of Rabbi Akiva on Lag B’Omer, continuing the time hallowed tradition revived by his father the previous Bostoner Rebbe ZT”L thirty years ago.

Attended by the faithful gabboim of his late father, the Rebbe was accompanied by throngs of chassidei Boston from Eretz Yisroel as well as some who joined him from the USA and Europe. Following prolonged and extremely lively dancing the Rebbe poured out his heart in tefilla for Klall Yisroel at the tziyun before davening Maariv and returning to Yerushalayim. During his time in Tiveria countless young boys were brought to him for their chalaka [upsherin] as well as many local residents seeking the Rebbe’s brocha.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

9 Responses

  1. No word of karlin rebbe who was in miron with 2000 chasidim, no word of mishkoltz, lelov, only of Boston, I wonder why

  2. Don’t understand, isn’t their a bostoner Rebbe in Har Nof, brother of the Rebbe in Boston? Shouldn’t he be the one to visit Tevaria? He’s living in Israel already…

  3. Reply to No. 4

    You are correct. There are “Bostoner Rebbes” in a number of locations including Yerushalayim, Beit Shemesh, Beitar Illit, Monsey, and Highland Park, NJ. When the alte rebbe harav hagon Levi Yitzchak, Z’TL was niftar 4 years ago, each of his three sons was given the kavod of being called the Bostoner Rebbe. They’ve rightly decided to restore the importance of focusing upon Rav Akiva on Laag Baomer rather than what has become more of a seeming pagan ritual at Meron.

  4. Pagan ritual at meron????? Have you lost your mind? Going to the grave of a tzaddik on his tart sit is a time honored tradition mentioned in numerous seforim. You shouldn’t say things like that.

  5. Reply to number 6

    You have failed to answer my question. Also by the way, the Rebbe in Bait Shemesh is a cousin to the 3 brothers and a nephew of R’ Levi Yitchok.
    The ones in Bietar, Monsey and Highland Park are not Rebbes but rather ‘Ruv’s’ all being brothers and the sons of the Bostoner Rebbe in Boro Park, who is also known as the Chuster Rav.

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