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A 97-year-old woman who was the oldest victim of the Pittsburgh synagogue massacre will be laid to rest at the end of a wrenching, weeklong series of funerals. Rose Mallinger’s

By Joey Aron, Esq. Reprinted with permission from the Jewish Press Recent measles outbreaks in Jewish communities in the New York tri-state area have reminded us that the debate over

Speaking at the scene of the horrific fiery crash that killed the Attar family from Psagot, ZAKA Chief Yehuda Meshi-Zahav made an impassioned appeal to motorists to end the horrible tendency

President-elect Jair Bolsonaro reiterated Thursday that he plans to move Brazil’s embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, joining the United States and Guatemala. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu

Police say a baggage handler told them he was drunk when he fell asleep in a cargo hold and flew from Kansas City to Chicago. American Airlines said the Piedmont

A political event at a Brooklyn Reformed Temple was cancelled on Thursday night, after anti-Semitic graffiti was found inside. Hateful messages including “Kill all Jews”, “die Jew rats we are here,”

Beit Knesset Kehilat Bnei Torah in Har Nof, Yerushalayim, the site of the terror attack in which four kedoshim were slaughtered during shachris, will be holding a yahrzeit service for

The IRS has increased the contribution limits for various retirement accounts for 2019. The Internal Revenue Service said Thursday that the contribution limit for employees who participate in a 401(k),

A man who was making a Bris at a Flatbush Shul, gave an on-camera interview about an emotionally disturbed man seen walking around armed with a knife earlier this week.

Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman on Thursday, 23 Marcheshvan, approved moving ahead with the construction of a new residential building in the Jewish area of Hebron, a building project that was

The National Council of Young Israel (NCYI), representing 25,000 member families in 135 branch synagogues throughout the United States, Canada, and Israel, today addressed criticism directed at President Trump in

(VIDEO IN EXTENDED ARTICLE) Following the petira of Shas Minister David Azoulai Z”L on Tuesday, a special cabinet session was held on Wednesday evening, the eve of 23 Marcheshvan. Among

Israeli drug maker Teva Pharmaceutical Industries on Thursday reported a third-quarter loss as it proceeds with an aggressive cost-cutting program and adjusts to declines in key product categories. But the

French President Emmanuel Macron, sent a special emissary to arrange talks in Jerusalem and Ramallah with the mission of attempting to bring about peace talks between Israel and the Palestinian

The following is via You know them when you see them, and when you see them, you know it’s Chanukah. The car menorah is a uniquely American innovation—a marketing

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu made it clear this week, that he is not interested in a campaign against Hamas in Gaza, at least until Knesset elections in 2019. The same

Tragedy has struck the Chareidi community as an 18-month-old baby R”L was Niftar in Jerusalem on Thursday evening. It is suspected that the infant died due to being exposed to

A website popular with racists that was used by the man charged in the Pittsburgh synagogue massacre was shut down within hours of the slaughter, but it hardly mattered: Anti-Semites

The Action Committee is announcing an event will take place this coming Motzei Shabbos, Chayei Sara, on behalf of four frum girls who refuse to serve in the IDF, and

People can livestream their every move on Facebook and chatter endlessly in group chats. But in most parts of the U.S., they still can’t reach 911 by texting — an

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