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Likovid Shabbos: Nevada GOP May Change Caucus Date To Avoid Shabbos

The Nevada GOP is considering changing its presidential caucus date for a third time after casino titan and Newt Gingrich supporter Sheldon Adelson raised concerns about the contest being held on the Jewish Sabbath.

GOP Chairwoman Amy Tarkanian told The Associated Press Thursday that the party could move its Feb. 4 Saturday morning caucus to accommodate roughly 500 conservative Jewish voters.

Tarkanian says the party has asked the Republican National Committee to weigh in on whether the contest should be held that Saturday night or on Feb. 2.

The potential change comes two days before the South Carolina primary on Saturday.

Nevada initially was scheduled to hold the nation’s third presidential nomination contest, but party officials twice changed the caucus date last year.

(Source: Fox News)

3 Responses

  1. Granted as long as there is only one day for voting, I don’t understand why they have to make it on a sat or sun.

    On the other hand, there (usually) is such a thing as absentee ballots so why can’t shomer shabbos vote that way.

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