Poll: Donovan Trailing By Just Four Points In NYS Attorney General Race

Excitement and optimism were in the air yesterday as Daniel Donovan held a rally at his New Dorp field office celebrating a recent poll showing him trailing his Democratic opponent by just four points in the race for state Attorney General.

According to SurveyUSA’s latest pre-election tracking poll for WABC-TV in New York City, Eric Schneiderman is narrowly leading Donovan, the Republican and Conservative nominee, by 44 to 40 percent. A previous Quinnipiac poll showed the Manhattan state senator with a wider lead of 43 percent to Donovan’s 32.

About 100 people attended the spirited event, which included speeches by Donovan, currently Staten Island’s District Attorney, City Councilman Vincent Ignizio and Guardian Angels founder Curtis Sliwa.

“This is my hometown. Not only is it refreshing and exciting, it’s heartwarming to see that so many people are supporting me,” Donovan told reporters. “This,” he continued referring to local support, “may make the difference in the race.”

People cheered “Danny!” as he made his way to the front of the crowd. During his speech — which he made before he caught a plane to Buffalo — Donovan focused on the cornerstones of his campaign, which include cleaning up corruption in Albany.

With a little over two weeks to go before Election Day, he talked about the differences between himself and Schneiderman, who has been involved in Albany politics as a state senator for 12 years. “Then, you have someone like myself who has been a District Attorney for seven years,” Donovan said.

“He’s not from the Albany culture,” said local businessman Bob Cutrona of Emerson Hill. “All we’ve seen coming out of Albany is dysfunction and corruption. That needs to change.” Cutrona added that he believes it will be a tight race come Nov. 2.

Fred Guinta of Todt Hill, a member of several local civic associations and Community Board 2, did not seem concerned about Donovan’s chances of winning despite poll numbers.

“In two weeks from Tuesday, we’ll have a new Attorney General and it will be Dan Donovan,” he said.

Before the event ended, Sliwa addressed the crowd, launching a verbal attack against Donovan’s opponent and other state politicians.

“Who’s going to take on all these thieves and crooks who are sucking the life blood out of New York City taxpayers?” Sliwa asked, answering: “It’s Dan Donovan.”

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(Source: SI Live)

2 Responses

  1. I went to Survey USA’s web site. It indicates that their previous poll had Schneiderman up by 6, not 11, so there actually has not been much movement. This same poll has Cuomo up by 26, Gillibrand by 18, and Schumer up by 33. The crosstabs in the Attorney General race did not show any clear patterns in the undecideds, so that race really could end up going either way. However, the other races are over.

  2. Given that the top jobs in New York will be landslide for the Democrats, in spite of people’s doubts, it should help the lesser offices since people won’t want to give Cuomo a blank check.

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