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Kellyanne Conway Battles CNN’s Anderson Cooper Over Comey Firing [VIDEO]

White House counselor Kellyanne Conway emerged Tuesday night to speak with CNN’s Anderson Cooper about President Donald Trump’s decision to fire FBI Director James Comey, and decried claims that the president ousted Comey for reasons different from that which the president outlined in his letter firing the former FBI Director.

Conway: “The FBI Director reports to the Deputy Attorney General; the Deputy Attorney General reports to the Attorney General; the Attorney General reports to the President of the United States. This had nothing to do with Russia, as much as somebody must be getting $50 every time the word is said, I’m convinced, on TV.”

2 Responses

  1. Seems his complaint boils down to two lines: The timing is suspicious (implicit in that is a demand for a “special prosecutor”) and in the campaign Trump had praised Comey.

    To the first item I simply state such special prosecutors have a bad track record, but more to the point, the prosecutor would have to be accepted by the majority, which is Republican, and would simply be trashed by the Democrats anyway, making it all a big waste. Proof of that is right in front of us – that the deputy attroney general was voted in recently 94 to 6 and yet the Democrats jump on this in a blink of an eye.

    The last item is irrelevant, as the praise was about a single action of continuing the investigation into Clinton, while currently the deputy attorney general trashes Comey as not being a proper team-player, having usurped to himself the role of the Justice Department (Attorney General) by having announced publicly without authorization his decision not to prosecute Clinton, something which was not his call. That it should have such an strong internal and continuing affect on the FBI and the “system” is something only a professional involved in the system (deputy attorney general) can determine and was quite irrelevant to Trump at-the-time who was then an outsider to all those internal considerations during the campaign.

  2. i can not really understand why ms conway would agree to be interviewed by, of all media outlets, CNN? it is no secret that there is a tremendous hatred that CNN has for our President. it is also no secret that one can not rely on CNN for factual news (read: fake news). so, from the get-go of this interview anderson cooper already had his mind made up and wasn’t “interviewing” ms conway in a fair manner. anderson cooper’s agenda is to put her down, put the President down along with his whole administration. the Govt should boycott any interviews with CNN, plain and simple.

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