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Jewish Man Buys Hitlers Globe At An Auction For $100,000

hg.jpgA globe that once belonged to Adolf Hitler YM”S was auctioned off in San Francisco for 100,000 dollars to a local Jewish entrepreneur. “There’s a lot of emotion tied to it,” a spokesman for buyer Bob Pritikin told the local television station KGO. “It’s one of those items respected as a part of history.”

The globe was sold by John Barsamian, a 91-year-old American who had been a military officer in Germany at the end of World War II. He found it at the Eagle’s Nest, Hitler’s retreat and headquarters in the Alps.

(Source: Earth Times)

18 Responses

  1. RESPECTED????

    What a disgrace that a Jew could say that about something that belonged to a piece of garbage.

    So much good could have been done with that $100,00 !!!!!!!!

  2. 2 says;
    ‘What a disgrace that a Jew could say that about something that belonged to a piece of garbage.’

    What kind of a ‘JEW’ do you think he is?Probalby A LITTLE LESS despicable than Hitler, thats all!

    And to think that the previous blog about the Bobover Rebbe’s glasses, Lehavdil Ben Tumah Litaharoh for 350k was deemed overpriced??? How sad is that??

  3. Of course noone knows the buyer’s intentions, but I believe YW’s purpose in posting this article is to show that “rabos machshavos…Atzas H’shem Sakum”. The globe symbolizes what they wanted to rule, and now who owns it – a Jew that they wanted to annihilate!

  4. #5, I think thats exactly it. Whatever you can say about the price tag, this is definitely a way for us to show that the Jewish people are still alive and prosperous despite him.

  5. “So much good could have been done with that $100,000”

    And what do you think has happened to it now? Has it been burned, or thrown down the toilet? The money still exists. It’s gone to the seller, who may very well do good things with it. Since the seller is an old man, perhaps he will leave the money to a charity, or perhaps his yorshim will use it for something good.

    And the buyer is a collector; if he didn’t spend the money on this he would have bought a painting or sculpture or something. He wants something interesting and unique to display, to feel proud of owning, and eventually – he hopes – to sell at a profit. This seems as good as any.

  6. Also maybe he went through the war or his parents grandparents etc… and he had alot of money and he wanted to buy it and burn it to see its ashes give him the benefeit of the doubt or he couldve wanted for the reason that “Milhouse” write.

  7. I agree with 8 & 9.
    He himslef may be a survivor, why would we be judging him? And even if he is not, this is as good an investment as any. He can sell it for a profit un machen gutte gelt.

  8. “What kind of a ‘JEW’ do you think he is?Probalby A LITTLE LESS despicable than Hitler, thats all!”

    I hope that other people found this comment as disturbing as I did. A non-frum Jew is probably only a “little less despicable than Hitler”? Have you lost your mind, along with any sense of perspective?

  9. 11,

    Pleaese, I highly DOUBT than any Jew who went through the Nazi Gehenom would want to posses or even touch anything which belonged to that Tzoirer Yisroel….

    I remember watching a documentary once about a Jew who went undercover in order to hunt down a certain Nazi. He was offered a glass of wine and whilme drinking, the former Nazi told him ‘this is a delicious wine and the glass that you are drinking it from was used by the Fuhrer himself’..

    The guy quickly excused himself and vomited…

  10. Its not a question of being NOT FRUM, its a question of a lack of dignity and emotion for ANY JEW to want to spill out that kind of money just to be in possesio, of Hitler’s globe!!

    The fact that you dont understand that is what isdisturbing!

  11. As many people have pointed out, there are legitimate reasons why a Jew would be happy to own Hitler’s globe. The fact that these reasons may be misguided are hardly sufficient to make that man almost as despicable as Hitler.

    Actually, even if he had no “good” reasons whatsoever – other than the fact that the globe has historical value – that would still not justify calling him almost as despicable as Hitler.

  12. Sure there are reasons people would be happy to own his globe…..possibly to be able to resell it for a profit!!

    Well, I find it truly DESPICABLE that a Jew, any Jew, would want to benefit from anything possessed by the individual who masterminded the slaughter of 6 million.

    But from the way you comment, it seems that you have no problem with the NK’s visit to Iran at the Holocaust Denial conference! I mean ‘even if there
    intentions were MISGUIDED, that wouldnt mean they are despicable’…..RIGHT??????

  13. “But from the way you comment, it seems that you have no problem with the NK’s visit to Iran at the Holocaust Denial conference! I mean ‘even if there
    intentions were MISGUIDED, that wouldnt mean they are despicable’…..RIGHT??????”

    A ridiculous comparison. Here we are talking about a symbolic act, of no consequence, and you’re comparing it to openly supporting our mortal enemies.

    The person who bought the globe does not support Nazism, not do his actions make it seem like he does.

  14. Mr. ‘Keen observer’, the nk DENIES that they openly support our enemies and if they do admit it, they say their intentions are pure and are only for the purpose of gettting friendly with them as to prvent further tension in the middle east amongst our two nations. TOTALLY MISGUIDED ofcourse! Nevertheless they are still DEEMED as a disgrace! Logically, I see no difference as far as how deplorable both situations are even if they are different in nature!

    But you didnt adress my first point, whats so admirable about a Jew wanting to benefit from something once owned by Herr Hitler? OR rather, why isnt that sickening?

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