Chesed Shel Emmes has informed Yeshivaworld of the Petira of R’ Beirish Erlich Z”L of Boro Park. The Levaya will be leaving the Amshinov Bais Medrash at 9:00PM tonight (Tuesday) – 4408 15th Avenue. The Kevura will take place tonight in New Square. R’ Beirish Erlich Z”L was a tremendous Baal Chesed. Amongst all his Chesed, he was most famous for having helped many thousands of sick people in hospitals during his lifetime.
Boruch Dayan Emmes…
5 Responses
I met Rabbi Erlich literally the day he arrived in the US.His entire life was devoted to BIKUR CHOLIM and TORAH.May he be a melitz yoshor for all of Clal Yisroel.
Rav Berish z”l helpde me once years ago with a doctor. He was a special person. Yehi zichro boruch.
Rabbi Erlich was ah yid ah tzadik, he was helpful to my family on several occasions, may all the zechusim of helping and caring accompany his neshoma. TNZBH
Please,where is the shiva.
Dear red . Shiva is at 1349 42 street Brooklyn NY
I have been asked by a family member to get in touch with you . they would like to hear what you know about Reb Berish or if you can stop by thank you