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Media: This Presidential Race Is A Disgrace

The following is a Politico report:

The race for the White House has grown so toxic that it’s become a top topic among reporters and analysts covering the contest — and some are even calling on President Barack Obama and presumptive GOP nominee Mitt Romney to call a truce.

“You thought last week was bad? Just when you thought last week’s third-grade insults were as low as the campaign could go here, here we go again, the campaign has gotten even uglier,” MSNBC’s Chuck Todd said Wednesday. “It’s not faux outrage, it’s real outrage. Over the last 24 hours, the attacks from both sides have reached a new level of vitriol.”

CNN’s Soledad O’Brien said the campaigns struck a new note of negativity.

“Romney and Obama campaigns going on the offensive at the same time? What that means is nasty rhetoric, really nastier than ever,” she said this morning.

On Fox News, veteran political reporter Brit Hume said the attacks were some of the worst he’s seen since covering politics, a sentiment shared by other experienced correspondents.

“This is about as ugly as I’ve seen it get,” Hume said Tuesday night on Fox. “I think some of the things that have been said about Mitt Romney, and… that Harry Reid allegation are just unbelievable. I’ve rarely seen something like that from somebody as senior as the Senate majority leader.”


8 Responses

  1. The Democrats have decided that “big lie” will work with their “base” – which probably says a lot about how much they respect their base’s intelligence (hear that Mr. Hikind, Mr. Greenfeld – that’s your team).

    So they are telling African Americans that the Republicans want to reestablish slavery, and are tell senior citizens that the Republicans favor mandatory euthanasia. They are also claiming the tax system is not progessive (actually, it is quite progressive – few poor people pay income tax, and most of the money is paid by the richer than than middle class).

    One should remember a famous Republican who said that while you can fool all of the people some of the time (that’s how the Democrats got elected), and you can fool some of the people all of the time (the “base”), you can’t fool all of the people all of the time.

  2. From what I can see, the attacks are one sided only – all coming from Obama and his thugs. I WISH Romney would go on the offensive, and not just answer the barbs that Obama is sending. Just about everything that Obama is accusing Romney of is what Obama is guilty of. He should be ashamed of himself! But we know he has no scruples where the job of president is concerned.

  3. Unfortunately, the campaign is only going to get worse and more dirty. The reason is simple: Obama has accomplished zero in the 4 years of his presidency and can not run again on his platform. Most people realize that the ‘hope and change’ he promised was nothing more than a slogan. He has put the United States into staggering debt, has diminished American exceptionalism in the world’s view and has been the most divisive president in history. His ONLY chance is to denigrate his opponent and to speak about the person (Romney) and avoid the issues of policy.

    We already see this with Ryan. The media was full of rhetoric concering the negative character of Ryan and avoided the facts of what his position is on the issues.

  4. Its a disgrace because YOU, THE SO CALLED MEDIA, made it so! You have failed to vett OblameO for 6 or so years since he came on the scene. Had you done your job instead of being in his back pocket, this wouldn’t be an issue.

    Shame on the Lamestream Media!

  5. it is amazing that people are using the very words of the tea party and attributing them to the Obama campaign. Granted, the negtivity of both sides is appalling, but at least get the sources straight.
    As I remember it was Sarah Palin who first started talking about death panels in a desparate attempt to discredit the health care reform.
    As for the “{return to slavery” nonsense, I never heard it mentioned by anybody until I saw the comment here, and I work in an organization that is 70% African-American staff.

  6. You get to sleep in the bed you made so Mr. Obama if there is any vitriol coming from the Romney camp – which we haven’t seen yet – look in the mirror and you’ll have your answer as to why that is.

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