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Iranian Army General: Iran Would ‘Eliminate Israel’ If Attacked

blog_525_1.jpgIran would “eliminate Israel from the global arena” if it was attacked by Israel, the deputy commander of the army warned on Tuesday.

“We are not worried by Israeli manoeuvres, but if Israel takes such action against the Islamic Republic of Iran, we will eliminate it from the global arena,” Mohammad Reza Ashtiani was quoted as saying by the Mehr news agency.

His comments come a week after Israeli National Infrastructure Minister Benjamin Ben-Eliezer warned that any Iranian attack against Israel “would lead to the destruction of the Iranian nation.”

Ashtiani, whose comments were also reported by the official IRNA news agency, was speaking at a news conference ahead of Iran’s national army day on Thursday when a major military parade is expected in Tehran.

“As the President (Mahmoud Ahmadinejad) has said, we have a great motivation to defend the frontiers of our country,” he added.

“In the case of any action by Israel, we are ready to eliminate it from the global arena.”

(Source: AFP)

19 Responses

  1. והיא שעמדה לאבותינו ולנו, שבכל דור ודור עומדים עלינו לכלותנו והקב”ה מצילנו מידם
    חג כשר ושמח לכל עם ישראל

  2. a crazy man also announced the end of the world in manhattan last week. do you feel the need to report that as well?

    The rantings of a madman do not deserve to be posted right next to real news.

  3. I say:

    Mohammad Reza Ashtiani,

    B-R-I-N-G I-T O-N!

    Once and for all let’s face each othere on the battle field!

    and of course as #1 said,
    והיא שעמדה לאבותינו ולנו, שבכל דור ודור עומדים עלינו לכלותנו והקב”ה מצילנו מידם
    חג כשר ושמח לכל עם ישראל

  4. Remember well when in 1967 the arab media was already reporting one the first day of the war that they were bombing Tel Aviv. In fact, king hussein YM”SH joined the war because he heard on the radio that they were winning and he didn’t want to be left out. This sort of saber-rattling and exaggerating is part of the arab culture. Which also explains how Ben-Eliezer can say what he says – he too is from that region.

    It’s very comforting to know that HaShem is at the helm here and “Yoishaiv Bashomayim Yischok”…

    Rav Miller Z”L says that we are children of Yitzchok (as opposed to esav) and the meaning of Yitzchok is – “he will laugh” – and so it will be at the end of times. We will all laugh at how everyone tried to destroy us and how HaShem will turn all their plans against themselves.

    Had haman YM”SH not built the gallows, he would probably never have been hung. So too, our modern day haman in Iran is building a nuclear arsenal for his own downfall. HaShem can make a tremendous earthquake shake Iran (where earthquakes happen quiet often) and the nuclear reactors will leak and wipe out the whole place. It will make Chernobyl look like a walk in the park. That way HaShem will wipe out our enemies in one swoop without having to shed any innocent blood.

    To all Yiddin around the world I can only say one thing, CHAZAK V’EMOTZ!!

    We are now living in times that are extremely close to the Geulah. Let’s all make sure that we are ready for it so that Moshiach comes today we will not be embarrassed to face him.


  5. This article seems to have a connection to the previous one about the sale of chometz being allowed in Israel on Pesach. If we disregard the Dvar Hashem our enemies remind us of their threat to destroy us. I pray the government of Israel reconsiders!



    Mazuz Upholds Decision to Allow Chometz
    April 15, 2008

  7. Maybe Carter should go to Iran.

    Carter and Mahmoud Ahmadinejad have similar Middle East policies.

    Both are not too fond of Israel.

    Their methods are different though:

    Carter wants to undermine Israel in an underhanded manner.

    Iran uses more overt messages of killing i.e. “eliminate Israel from the global arena”.

    Hashem Yishmor from both.

  8. “Iranian Army General: Iran Would ‘Eliminate Israel’ If Attacked”

    “Mazuz Upholds Decision to Allow Chometz”

    Interesting how these news pieces are one after the other. You think the eibishter is hinting something????

  9. #14…very touching and interesting insight but hashem also wants us to do the right thing with eretz yisroel. It is very disheartning to see how secular and anti frum the medina is. hashem has given us a priceless gift and it is being abused. I hope Klal Yisroel will never have to pay the price for this abuse

  10. To:#12

    What you say is soundly and thoroughly true. Tanya dimisaye licha, the Gerrer Rebbe ZTL said and I quote, “The fact that the State of Iarael came into existence is of course chasdei Hashem.”

    Let every yid control themselves when the urge to speak loshan hara about another yid presents itself. This includes about family members as well. This will be a giant zechus to speed up the final geulah. Many Gedolim have said that “if not for the infighting and machlokes and loshan hara among yidden themselves, Moshiah would have been here a long time ago.”

  11. Correction: My comment in number 16 is directed to Pashuteh Yid in number 14, not to number 12. I made an error in the numbers.

  12. While no doubt there is a greater picture as there always is with Klal Yisroel, i would like to pose this rhetorical question.
    It took the armed forces of the U.S. of A. exactly 43 days to do what Iran couldn’t do in 10 years.
    While the world calls our war in Iraq a disaster, we suffered a mere 4,000 civilian and soldier casualties over 1,854 days, while achieving our primary goals (excluding those wmd’s we all know he HAD).
    Iran lost 1 MILLION!!!
    I’m as patriotic as the next guy, but if I had choice of which army I want backing me up, I’ll feel better with my holy dib, than our guys. And I love our guys.
    No, I don’t believe in the yeshua of the IDF, I know that only yad hashem protects us. My comment is only to the newsworthiness of this story.

  13. To # 1 – couldn’t have said it better. you’re 1000% right.
    To #7 – we agree with you totally also. Rabbi Miller’s words are so inspiring.
    May we merit the coming of Moshiach Bimhayra B’yameinu Amen. Chag Kosher Vesameach to all of Klal Yisroel.

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