This is how children R”L get killed.
This incident occurred in Monsey on Tuesday morning, as a school bus had stopped to pick up children waiting to go to Yeshiva.
As the bus comes to a stop, a totally reckless driver blows past the school bus.
Recently, a new law was being passed in NY where divers caught passing a stopped bus would face $250 fines.
Do you think $250 is enough of a punishment to such drivers?
How do you suggest this driver and others like this are dealt with?
- License suspension?
- Having his license revoked?
- His car impounded?
(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)
24 Responses
Without knowledge of how things work in Monsey and not saying the bus driver was at fault in any way, one practical suggestion for the bus driver would be to do what many in Brooklyn do. That is to veer the bus across both lanes, thereby blocking the street completely for other drivers before you come to a complete stop. Of course, this must be done in a safe way considering oncoming traffic, etc. I have seen this done many times and applaud the drivers who do so in order to protect our precious children.
Driver licence revoked and the car impounded.
Everyday is a miracle in Monsey if anyone survives a journey driving from point A to point B. I bet that over 50% of the drivers don’t have a license. The Sakana is everywhere and at every inch of the way. Of course this is unacceptable ! And most of the moves most of the bus drivers make are also huge Sakana! In streets like Blauvelt, Suzanne, Jill, or Carlton I measured speeds over 50 miles an hour just the bus itself! No rules apply regarding a stop sign or a car priority to turn over. Both car and bus drivers are potential criminals without a doubt. And most don’t even know ! I don’t know about other towns. But how can Monsey improve it if there is no conscience about infrastructure? It starts at the town of Ramapo and finishes at the town of Ramapo. Corruption and irresponsibility are disastrously dominating. It is beyond upsetting and I daven everyday for Monsey as this reached a point of total chaos.
Everyday is a miracle in Monsey if anyone survives a journey driving from point A to point B. I bet that over 50% of the drivers don’t have a license. The Sakana is everywhere and at every inch of the way. Of course this is unacceptable ! And most of the moves most of the bus drivers make are also huge Sakana! In streets like Blauvelt, Suzanne, Jill, or Carlton I measured speeds over 50 miles an hour just the bus itself! No rules apply regarding a stop sign or a car priority to turn over. Both car and bus drivers are potential criminals without a doubt. And most don’t even know or care. I don’t know about other towns. But how can Monsey improve it if there is no conscience about infrastructure. It starts at the town of Ramapo and finishes at the town of Ramapo. Corruption and irresponsibility are disastrously dominating. It is beyond upsetting and I daven everyday for Monsey as this reached a point of total chaos.
Dear bus driver
I am not going to say the van driver is right, but I don’t like this “political correctness”. The driver did NOT almost knock down the lady, driving close to someone does not mean that someone was almost knocked down. Every day we drive by pedestrians who are sooooo close to our cars on 13th Ave waiting for their chance to cross, and every day I pass soooooo close to double parked cars, and that isn’t called “the car almost hit the double parked car”. Number 2, if you would live in Brooklyn (or anywhere else on earth) and you are driving to work one nice sunny morning on Mcdonald Ave and low and behold a huge truck is right in front of you loading a delivery and completely blocking your lane (happens every day with at least a dozen of trucks between 9 and 10 am from Cortelyou to the Belt), there is no way to pass besides crossing those HOLY yellow lines and going around that truck or making an illegal u-turn over those yellow lines, would you be “politically correct” and shut your motor, call in to your boss that you will be late today or might not show up at all to work, or would you be “normal” and go around that truck???
There is a girl I know who was healthy and considered intellectually ‘gifted,’ when in 5th grade she was hit by a car who zoomed by a school bus (red lights flashing or not, your eyeballs should be open), and now has a profound TBI and will be wheelchair-bound for the remainder of her life, beset by speaking difficulties, eating problems, and more. The point is not for YWN readers to go back and forth about solid lines (which are indeed uncross-able) or at what moment the stick went out in front of the bus. If you see a crowd waiting for a bus, look around, be alert. Use your senses, especially the sixth one, namely Common Sense. Prevent a tragedy.
As the Bus Driver in this video I would like to clarify that the red light was “NOT” yet on when the car passed, but passing the way this car did is extremely dangerous, besides for the fact that there’s a double solid line which makes it illegal to pass, when a school bus has the amber lights on and makes a stop there’s always a chance that a child would start crossing before the driver has a chance to open the door. Also if you watch the video closely you can see that the car almost hit the lady on the street
As far as one of the comments that asked why this video was sent to YWN, I would like to say that I did not send it and I was actually taken aback when I saw it here without being contacted to find out the story behind this video. YWN probably found the video on a WhatsApp group (someone took it off my WhatsApp status) and made their own story
You could always move to Baltimore. We don’t usually have traffic congestion problems.
It seems to me there are WAY TOO MANY schools buses because everyone has too to have their own schools. Maybe there needs to be a limit on new schools buses because it takes 30 min to drive from one end of Monsey to the other side
What is the best for the public good (not private).? Maybe limiting private bus stops?
Get the plate number and report it.the problem is the busses have to turn on their lights as they’re slowing down they usually turn it on once they stop so people try to jump it before they go on
bigissy got it right. The minivan should have NEVER pass the bus crossing a double yellow line, regardless of the status of the bus stop sign.
Time to crack down on School bus drivers:
– Who Drive Too Fast
– Who Make Fast Dangerous Turns
– Who Hog The Road
– Who Try Very Hard to Be Ahead Of Cars
– Who Drive Reckless Sometimes.
Explain the efforts that would be necessary to combat this.
There is no one in their right mind that would be ok with this. Yet, how can a few isolated cases be combated?
please learn the rules of the road. if you have a solid yellow line on your side of the street you are NOT allowed to pass. Doesn’t matter what the bus is doing. The mini van crossed a solid yellow line which is illegal.
Looks like the stop sign was not out yet and the red lights not on when the minivan passed the bus. Perhaps the minivan was in a rush to something important.
He passed BEFORE the bus put on his flashing lights!
Not that I condone such behavior, but the red lights were not lit yet. You can see this yellow stick appear only after he passed, but still reckless.
im ganna be dan lekaf zechus he tried to pass and didn’t realize the bus was about to pick up or drop off children he even slowed down while he was passing to make sure it was safe maybe he had an emergency so passed safely who knows let’s use our big boy dashcam toys on more important things then sending it in to YWN.
sorry but i see no red lights flashing…lets not judge b4 we see the full picture
Not saying the minivan is right, but the the yellow stick in front of the bus didn’t come out until he passed which usally means the red flashing lights didn’t either.
And yet I have heard frum Jews complain about efforts to combat this. THESE ARE OUR CHILDREN!!!
ABSOLUTELY UNACCEPTABLE!!!! but it what happened to me in when I was in Monsey the other day is also a problem. I was waiting behind a school bus for disabled children and after the child was already put on the bus, which took a while, the bus driver did not close his door for the next 4 minutes. This is what causes even reasonable law abiding sane motorists to become frustrated.
All three!