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Iran Complains to UN Against Senator Clinton

achmad.jpgIn an interesting turn of events, Iran has sent a letter of complaint to the United Nations, not against Israel, but against democratic presidential hopeful, US Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton.

Iran’s deputy UN ambassador, Mehdi Danesh-Yazdi filed the complaint against Clinton for her remarks stating in Tehran attacks Israel, if she is in the White House, she will wipe Iran out.

In his letter, the Iranian diplomatic official stressed his country remains among the leading opponents to weapons of mass destruction, citing Tehran’s vehement opposition to nuclear weapons, adding that since 1974, Iran has been working to make the Middle East a nuclear-free area.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

6 Responses

  1. Hmmm. I would have though McCain would be tougher on the terrorists, but maybe we should elect Hillary if Iran is scared of her?

    Hey Iran: News Flash: We ELECT our leaders. It’s called DEMOCRACY.

  2. Let me be the first to complain to the YW editor about posting a picture of the rosho!
    Sorry everyone, beat you to it!

  3. For those of you who can’t see right through this, let me explain.
    Iran would love for Hillary to be the leader of the free world and pull out our troops. This is simply a ploy to get the uneducated voter to think that Iran fears her. They are trying to sway them to vote for her.
    I’m sure she doesn’t have a problem with this either.

  4. 1. McCain is tought on terrorists. Hillary’s statement was political pander; McCain is made of more presidential material, and knows not to publicize US response options.

  5. wow the islamofacists must really hate this election year- what’s worse to them: a woman running or a black man running?

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