Flatbush: Child R”L Killed In Fire On Ocean Parkway [VIDEOS & PHOTOS]

A child was R”L killed in a fast-moving fire in Flatbush, Monday night.

It happened at around 10:30PM at 757 Ocean Parkway near Foster Avenue.

FDNY says they found heavy fire blowing out of the windows upon their arrival. The fire quickly escalated to a second alarm.

A 12-year-old girl was removed with critical injuries from the burning home, and rushed to Maimonides Hospital by Flatbush Hatzolah Paramedics.

Unfortunately, she was Niftar at around 12:20AM – after doctors worked on her for over an hour.

She was identified as Shirr Teved A”H.

One firefighter was injured as well, and was transported to Cornell Hospital in Manhattan. He was in stable condition.

Fire Marshals and the NYPD Detective Squad are working to determine the cause of the blaze.

Misaskim is working with authorities to ensure proper Kavod Hames.

Additional information will be published when it becomes available to us.

Photos by Heshy Rubenstein – Dee Voch

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

12 Responses

  1. BDE. Everything is bashert, but why does Hatzalah of Flatbush choose Maimonides Medical Center over Methodist Hospital, when every minute counts?

  2. @citizen- im sorry that ur against flatbush hatzolah but according to google maps methodist hospital is one mile further from this address than maimonides is.

  3. I’m always perturbed about the fact that somone’s tragedy can become public “entertainment” (in the form of colorful photos and videos), albeit a solemn, heartbreaking one.
    a) How does the unfortunate family feel about that?
    b)What do you guys think?

  4. @concerned mom-according to google travel directions Maimonides is only .2 miles closer. Right now there is a difference of 6 minutes in travelling time from the tragedy site, with Methodist being the quicker destination. This should be noted by paramedics.

  5. Richmond Braun, for me it is not entertainment at all, but helps me feel a bigger empathy for what they went through. My thoughts and prayers are with the family. Baruch Dayan Emes.

  6. @citizen.according to my husband whose hatzolah member ,taking into account lights and sirens the ambulance prob got to maimonides as quickly as couldve gotten to methodist.and MMC is a level one trauma center and methodist by far not so care prob not comparable either.Again BDE may klal yisroel only know of simchos.

  7. How ruthless to stand and video a home and a life being snuffed out to ashes like its some concert or joyous event.

    Where is our yidishe heart?

    All for your social media attention?


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