The Montreal Transit Corporation (MTC) is making room for strollers on buses to encourage young families who choose public transportation. Starting June 23, certain bus routes will accommodate strollers by allowing parents to park them in areas normally reserved for wheelchairs. The areas will be denoted by a sticker showing a stroller.
Drivers will also receive special training to help parents with small children if needed.
The pilot project should help dispel some resentment certain public transit users feel towards parents carting large strollers and wiggly offspring, while helping mothers and fathers.
“This will require collaboration from everyone,” the MTC President said in a statement. “There are people who don’t like to see strollers on buses, they complain. Then there are young mothers who complain there isn’t enough room for their strollers.”
(Source: CBC Montreal News)
4 Responses
Its about time that the french ppl are reliezing that there is no way around us
#1 How typically self-centered. Other people have childen too.
to #1 its about time you shuld knock down your gayois..”ki atem hameaht” see rashi..
that’s STM (le Société de transport de Montréal)