In a national poll commissioned by Ami Magazine with 1,000 respondents, 83% of Orthodox Jews say they’re voting for President Trump, while 13% said they’re voting for VP Biden.
In Ami’s last poll, conducted back in 2016, 54% said they were voting for the president, which marks a 29% swing in favor of Trump.
The poll also found that 76% of respondents felt that President Trump is covered ‘mostly unfairly’ by the media – with just 14% saying his coverage was ‘mostly fair.’
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39 Responses
Right. You don’t have the ability to have a conversation. I asked you a question but the only thing you have the ability to do is throw out insults because you had nothing to say. Goodbye.
elshev12, my comment about your IQ level based on your reliance on Fakeikipedia and official Obama propaganda sources. Instead of relying on fake Wikipedia go educate yourself on the real stories about murdered real Jews by Hezbollah and Hamas after they received Obama’s cash, if you care about spilled Jewish blood. Only self-haters or traitors would support giving $150B and nukes to terrorist State of Iran while they chanting “Death to Israel” and “Death to USA”.
Firstly, calling someone stupid definitely shows your intelligence. Secondly, calling Wikipedia leftist propaganda which just states the facts of what the agreement actually consists of is ridiculous. Thirdly, this looks like a joke. You are telling me that something you found off twitter from Iranian TV, which is state run by people who hate everything about the west is more legitimate. Obviously the source that isn’t propaganda is Iranian Tv?????? Dude, you kidding me? I expected something a little more from you.
elshev12, i guess you will not find this Iranian response to Obama’s cash in Wikipedia:
elshev12, are you a victim of brainwashing or just simply stupid? You belong in China or Venezuela where people blindly believe whatever they are being fed official lies from the government. Instead of reading leftist edited bias entries in Wikipedia you should read the real stories about many Jews who where murdered by Hezbollah and Hamas after they got cash from Iran supplied to them by Obama and Biden administration.
So MoisheInGolus this government website which talks about the facts of the agreement is lies. You can find the same information on many different websites.
What makes you think the News you read is factually correct. You can’t just call information that you don’t like lies.
Here is a wikipedia page saying the same thing. The wikipedia page is literally just describing the official deal. I would like to see your source of information.
elshev12, thank you for sharing Obama lies and propaganda with us. Our worst enemies throughout the history always relied on dirty work of our own traitors.
I know many people will probably accuse me of being some crazy liberal but I am asking for people to really hear me out. I understand that many people on here may not know some of the terrible things that Trump has said about women because it isn’t really a discussion topic amongst Orthodox Jews….. because it is so bad. That kind of talk is only expected from an incredibly badly behaved teenager and most definitely not the president of one of the greatest countries in the world . Anyone commenting on the wonderful character of Trump is either ignorant or genuinely a really bad person. Supporting policies is one thing but saying this piece of dirt it just shameful.
As for Obamas agreement with Iran. Nobody here has seemed to actually have read up on it.
Anyone interested in educating themselves may read this ^ article.
The 13% are not orthodox
Reb Eliezer in comment 1 is a trend for reform Jews
I am curious why YWN is not reporting on a new bombshell revelations about Biden crime family dealings in Ukraine reported by NY Post today? Is it because AP, which is becoming excursive news source for YWN lately, is not reporting on it?
“The Torah REQUIRES us to follow the Gedolim.”
Rav Soloveitchik z’tz’l was the Gedol Hador and he said that it doesn’t. End of discussion.
“spreading such virulent lies!”
Fred Trump was arrested at a KKK rally in 1927 when the KKK had attacked NYPD.
Reminds me of the joke about chabad. Half of them publicly say he is Mashiach and the other half only thinks it. 83% admit voting for trump and the rest will do so quietly.
As for the characterization that Obama was bad for Israel, this is false. By any metric, he was the second best president towards Israel to have ever existed.
First, it’s “moot” not “mute.”
Second, my point is not to question whether 83% of “Orthodox” Jews vote for Trump. It may be true. My point is that this poll is worthless propaganda, like much of Orthodox media. It’s worthless because there are ways to conduct a political poll that give it statistical validity. This was not done here.
Third… where do you get your facts from?
“FACT #1 – the majority of Orthodox Jews overwhelmingly vote Republican and especially in this election. The exact figures don’t matter. That has a margin of error, so the point is mute.”
– *moot. And the majority of Orthodox Jews live in states where Trump is losing so bad there are no recent polls. He’s down, what, 30 in New York and New Jersey? Because of the electoral college your votes are worthless. You’re a tiny minority of a minority. This poll is like cheering that 83% of voters in Toombs County, Georgia support Trump. No one is shocked and no one cares. Though within your little fiefdoms you control local affairs. Regarding the statistical point, see my comments above.
FACT #2 – Obama’s policies in regards to Israel (and in turn the Jewish people) was one of the worst in modern history. Biden was part of that and unless you can prove otherwise, it doesn’t appear that Biden publicly denounced any of Obama’s anti-Israeli policies. He’s an accomplice.
– What policies specifically? How were Pres. Obama’s policies different from Pres. Bush’s? Or Reagan’s? I was here in Israel in 2000 and 2001 when buses and pizzerias were blowing up. I remember Bush urging “restraint” and negotiation with the people who were killing our brothers and sisters. And I’m old enough to remember 1991 when SCUD missiles were falling all over Israel and Poppy Bush would not let Israel respond. It was before my time, but I read about Pres. Nixon turning the guns of the US 6th Fleet on the Israeli tanks in the Sinai demanding that Israel withdraw from Suez. I was also here, in Israel, in 2014 when Hamas rockets were being shot at us, but, B’H we had the Iron Dome that Pres. Obama paid for. And regardless of political stripe, those of us in the bomb shelters thanked G-d for that shield that saved thousands of Israeli (Jewish) lives. And let’s not forget Pres. Obama signing into law the largest foreign aid package in US history, for Israel. Also giving Israel the F-35 bomber (that Trump is handing to the Arabs now). When Israel went into Gaza and Lebanon, Pres. Obama gave Israel enough latitude to do what it had to do in subduing the terrorists before joining the rest of the UN in telling the parties to simmer down. Do you even know what a “friend of Israel” is? It’s not someone who kisses Netanyahu’s tuches for the sake of it. Pres. Obama’s policy on “settlements” was exactly the same as every president since 1967, following UN Resolution 242 (that Israel wrote). Go read Abba Eban. Netanyahu poisoned the well with the US, cozying up to the Evangelical Christians. He made Israel a wedge issue in the US Congress when it never was before. The joint nuclear accords with Iran, signed by six of the most powerful nations in the world, held Iran in check. Even Trump’s State Department said that Iran was complying with the conditions. Netanyahu said in 2012 that Iran was months from having a nuclear weapon. It’s 2020, there’s no weapon. Trump has endangered millions of Israelis by unilaterally withdrawing the most powerful nation from the Accord, taking the teeth out of whatever penalties Iran would face if they stop complying and giving Iran an “out” to say that they’re no longer bound by the restrictions. So please, let’s stop with the racist bull that Obama was somehow bad for Israel or the Jews. Biden has been working with Israel since the time of Golda Meir. He is an unquestioned friend of Israel, who received standing ovations at AIPAC for years. When left-wing elements of the Democratic Party wanted to water down that support in their platform, Biden not only denied them, he made the language in support of Israel stronger. Biden has been coming to Israel since the 1970s. He’s known every prime minister personally, and Netanyahu going back to when he was the manager of a furniture factory in Haifa (I think it’s Haifa, may have been Jerusalem). Trump didn’t set foot in Israel until 2017 (and his motorcade went passed my apartment). His only connection to Jews was telling everyone how he likes the short guys with yarmulkas to do his taxes.
FACT #3 – Biden’s mental alertness is in question. Just recently his latest gaffe is that he’s running for Senator. His honesty is also in question due to his multiple flip-flopping, lies, and corruption (for example: in regards to his son Hunter). Also, the claim that he’s a nice guy isn’t true. There are at least half a dozen examples where he insults voters to their faces on video. Biden IS NOT a nice guy!
– There is no question about Biden’s alertness. None. You look at doctored videos and photos and think you can diagnose a person. Trump is 4 years younger than Biden. Trump is the oldest president in US history. While Biden may have gaffes (he’s always had them, they’re not new with age), Trump has a problem with saying the quiet parts out loud. Have you been listening to Trump in his Fox interviews? The hosts can’t get him off the phone fast enough his incoherent rambling is so bad. And Hunter… dear G-d. Do you know anything about Hunter Biden? You buy the fiction without doing any research. Hunter Biden was on the board of Burisma because he was an expert in corporate law and governance, a graduate of Yale Law School, and a partner and one of the largest firms in Washington, DC. Hunter Biden was the American lawyer for Burisma before he was on the board. The board knew the company was too shaky to do business with the US so it hired several American lawyers and businessmen to come and help then make their corporation more palatable for American business standards. I think that’s a good thing. VP Biden, under direction for the US Senate, including Sen. Ron Johnson, and the entire freakin’ western world, told the Ukrainian gov’t to fire the corrupt attorney general BECAUSE he was NOT investigating companies like Burisma. Was Hunter paid a salary of $50,000 a month for his work on the board of directors. Yeah. So? A man can’t make a living? Do you begrudge Ivanka making $80,000,000 last year doing G-d knows what? Trump is $421 million in debt to who-knows and you’re worried about a couple of million dollars earned by someone never in government more than 5 years ago? Seriously? And everyone, especially the dozens of Republicans who lined up behind Biden, agree that Biden is a nice guy. Even if you disagree with his politics, he was always a nice guy. I thought Pres. Bush had absolutely terrible policies. But he was a nice guy.
FACT #4 – Kamala Harris has flip-flopped on several issues, lied on several occasions, and is a radical left winger.
– Flip-flopped about what specifically? How is she a radical leftist that put too many people in jail and was too harsh on criminals? Pick one. Is this like Pres. Obama was a radical Muslim fundamentalist atheist socialist corporatist? Sen. Harris is among the most moderate Democrats in the field. She would not go full Bernie on socialized medicine. She has repeatedly condemned the violence that arose during the protests. She supported the same immigration policies as Pres. Bush. It’s like… Joe Biden has a 47 year record as a moderate, and sometimes corporatist. But Trump says he’s a radical communist and all of the sudden it’s like 47 years never happened. Same thing with Sen. Harris. She has a voting record. She has made speeches and given interviews and written things. We can read it. And we can see that she is far from a leftist. Bernie is a leftist. AOC is a leftist. Kamala Harris is no leftist. Many Democrats wish she was more radical.
FACT #5 – ALL the Gedolim advise to vote for Trump (as well as pray for his welfare).
– Any Gadol in the US that tells you to vote for any candidate should have the non-profit status of his shul or yeshiva revoked, and he should personally be made to pay all of the back taxes he owes for pretending to hold out his religious institution as a non-profit, when it’s really a front for a political organization. In the United States, we don’t follow the dictates of religious figures when it comes to voting. Would it be acceptable for VP Biden to say he’s voting a certain way because the Pope told him to? Gedolim tell us how to live as Jews, and how to apply the Torah in our lives. They give mussar and moral guidance. I go to my Rav with questions of basar v’chalav, shalom bayis, and tefillah. But I don’t come to him for advice on tax policy or international trade relations. If you think ANY Gadol is OK with a thrice-married man who cheated on all of his wives, the most recent cheating on his wife who is 30+ years younger than him and a super-model, to get it on with a porn star, who he paid $130,000 to be quiet about it… then we SERIOUSLY need to reconsider our Gedolim.
FACT #6 – The Torah REQUIRES us to follow the Gedolim.
– Not in secular political matters, it doesn’t. And what happens when Gedolim disagree, as happens in Israel. Four Gedolim tell Israelis that they have to vote for four different candidates. They are Daas Torah, not infallible popes. The Gedolim told Am Yisrael to close their shuls, daven at home, wear masks and socially distance. And look on the streets of Boro Park. Look at the comments on this very website thumbing their noses at the Gedolim. Do we follow the Gedolim so long as it doesn’t conflict with Trump?
FACT #7 – Anyone who votes for Biden negates ALL of the FACTS listed here.
– Nothing you said is a fact. So there is nothing to negate. Everything you said is easily refuted with the least bit of knowledge and research beyond the four walls of your media bubble.
At least 17% of our communities are Bona Fide reshaim. Just think of that. Trump isnt just an amazing person but to support the reshaim liberals which are worse than Sdom??
charlie hall= shame on you for spreading such virulent lies!!! when Jews approached Fred Trump for permission to build a shul in Trump Village his response was= not only is permission granted but I will donate a parcel of land for you!! Every year thereafter Fred would come to the fundraising melave malka and leave a sizeable check!!! you vomit out scurrilous lies without knowing what the hell you’re talking about!!
We have our own “Baghdad Bob” on this forum. His name is charliehall.
“By any metric he’s been the best US Pres the Jews have ever had .”
Actually he is clearly the worst in at least 50 years, with record levels of anti-Semitism. Under what other President did we have multiple shooting attacks on Jewish institutions? We never suffered that even when Andrew Johnson was President and the first KKK was running rampant all over the South. We never suffered that even when Calvin Coolidge was President, looking for KKK votes while the second KKK was running rampant all over the US (and had a member named Fred Trump, father of the current President).
As a result of Trump, respect for religion and religious institutions has plummeted. Part of the reason is that Trump is so anti-religious in everything he does, acting like he has no God. And part of the reason is that so many allegedly religious people are looking like hypocrites in supporting him.
“In 2016 voting districts in Boro Park, (frum parts of) Midwood, Lakewood and Monsey voted over 90% for Trump. In 2020 that number will go up to over 95%.”
Not true. Midwood districts were about 80% for Trump. Monsey was a ilttle higher but only two districts were at 90%. Lakewood probably was about 90%.
In 2016 Clinton carried every election district in Riverdale, every election district in Teaneck, almost every election district in Pico-Robertson, and most election districts in most other modern orthodox areas in the US, mostly voted for Clinton, and most of the margins were big. My election district in Riverdale was 85% Clinton, 12% Trump.
The four election districts in New Square voted 94% to 97% for Clinton.
Biden, the “lying dog faced pony soldier” is suffering from Senile Dysfunction. He belongs in an assisted care facility; not runing for president. Having him run as president is elder abuse. I’m sure the reason they don’t want him in an assisted living facility is due to the number of deaths in Democrat run states in nursing homes. Democrat governors’ policies essentially insured the deaths of thousands who should have been protected.
Aside from that, the Democrat Party stands for abortion, anti-school choice, anti-Second amendment, and anti-God. The Republican Party stands for Life, School Choice, Pro Second Amendment and pro God.
This is all a lot of talk. Unfortunately, not enough people care enough to actually go out and vote. We just like to whine and complain when these Bozos end up in office and do things we don’t like.
@OrechDin – your comments are based on hearsay. You are actually contradicting yourself by doing exactly what you are claiming on others… blind acceptance.
Let’s look at facts:
FACT #1 – the majority of Orthodox Jews overwhelmingly vote Republican and especially in this election. The exact figures don’t matter. That has a margin of error, so the point is mute.
FACT #2 – Obama’s policies in regards to Israel (and in turn the Jewish people) was one of the worst in modern history. Biden was part of that and unless you can prove otherwise, it doesn’t appear that Biden publicly denounced any of Obama’s anti-Israeli policies. He’s an accomplice.
FACT #3 – Biden’s mental alertness is in question. Just recently his latest gaffe is that he’s running for Senator. His honesty is also in question due to his multiple flip-flopping, lies, and corruption (for example: in regards to his son Hunter). Also, the claim that he’s a nice guy isn’t true. There are at least half a dozen examples where he insults voters to their faces on video. Biden IS NOT a nice guy!
FACT #4 – Kamala Harris has flip-flopped on several issues, lied on several occasions, and is a radical left winger.
FACT #5 – ALL the Gedolim advise to vote for Trump (as well as pray for his welfare).
FACT #6 – The Torah REQUIRES us to follow the Gedolim.
FACT #7 – Anyone who votes for Biden negates ALL of the FACTS listed here.
That leads us back to your question… who’s an Orthodox Jew? I venture to say that those that don’t consider the words of the Gedolim and the other points I brought down should rather call themselves “Independent Jews” for they are not truly part of our community and they are not truly concerning themselves for the safety of their community.
Reb Eliezer, to be honest, I don’t really understand where you are coming from? How do you choose that character comes first? We see gedolim, Roshei Yeshivos and various Poskim are saying to vote for Trump and in general to show him hakaros hatov. How do you decide which is more important? I think our great leaders know all about good middos and when they take a precedence or not. Quite frankly, I believe Obama had the best middos out of all Presidents. So I hear your feelings. But feelings don’t always decide the Emes. This is all in my humble opinion.
In 2016 voting districts in Boro Park, (frum parts of) Midwood, Lakewood and Monsey voted over 90% for Trump. In 2020 that number will go up to over 95%.
hymish how do you know everyone in EY is a Jew? Between the arabs and the russians that lied to get in and ministry willing to take people with nonjewish mother in and the complete hatred for daas torah, it is safe too say that there are likely a lot of goyim in EY.
Who do they define as orthodox? Was the poll conducted by phone? Did they use home phones or cell or both, and by what percentages? What’s the margin of error? Over what dates what the poll conducted? What polling firm conducted the poll? What are the percentages of men and women? What ages? Why did they use registered voters and not likely voters as is done after Labor Day?
Like most Orthodox “journalism” this poll is not worth the paper it’s written on. It may not even be wrong, it’s just meaningless propaganda because it’s not backed by methodology. And given that standard, it’s no wonder so many Orthodox Jews believe whatever nonsense comes out of the Christian Evangelical media without question or examination. Jews used to have seichel. Jewish Republicans used to be conservatives, meaning they’d be suspicious of government dictating public opinion like in the Soviet Union, and would therefore demand evidence and use critical thinking to come up with their conclusions on policy and voting.
Seichel – “Reagan lowered taxes… the GDP showed growth and unemployment went down, so I support Reagan.”
Trump Jews – “Trump said we have the greatest economy in the history of the universe, and it is because he says so. I support Trump.”
They can’t think of any actual attacks against VP Biden so they take what Trump did, and use the sophisticated tactic, “I’m rubber, you’re glue.”
@Reb Eliezer “I am from the 17% as by me character matters.”
I guess mathematics doesn’t matter to you! According to the article it says “13% said they’re voting for VP Biden”. Are you going to tell us that you are from the 4% that is undecided (i.e. probably too lazy to vote)?
Keep these points in mind:
* has come out against BDS
* withheld funds to Palestinian terrorist organizations
* hired Nikki Haley to advocate on behalf of Israel in the UN
* Stopped funding to Israel’s greatest enemy, Iran
* Made peace treaties between Israel and two Arab nations
* defended Jewish communities against the anti-Semitic Gov and Mayor
Just to name a few of his pro-Jewish/pro-Israel actions
many Jewish lives have been saved as result. What about Biden? HE’S DONE NOTHING!
If you don’t appreciate all the ACTIONS that Trump has done for us, then you CLEARLY don’t care about your Brethren!
Character matters! Yes! …and the greatest litmus test to Character is one’s Actions! “COME ON MAN!”
What an embarrassing low rate…
R E – don’t be proud of the fact that you value a leader’s perceived character ( perhaps even true ) above Jewish lives. By any metric he’s been the best US Pres the Jews have ever had .
But you care more about character.
The fact that he possibly saved hundreds of thousands of Israeli lives by pulling out of the Iran-Obama deal makes no difference .
It’s all about your character judgement. Laughably idiotic ,cruel towards fellow Jews who you seem to care little about … and let’s not forget how much of an ingrate ppl like you are .
Geez….I guess all the lamud vov tzadikim are registered Democrats. Who would have thunk????
Guess then you don’t vote
Because if character matters how can you vote for Biden biggest thief and anti Semite
In politics
If only you were a competent judge of character…
Reb Eliezer, if you vote for senile corrupt plagiarist and rapist then it shows a lot about your so called “character”. How can you call yourself “from” when you are supporting a guy who was part of Obama’s team giving nukes go-ahead and $150B to Iran to commit another genocide against our people.
I did not know that 83% of Orthodox Jews voted for anybody, but as written, this story implies that 100% of OJ’s vote. I would bet, if you look carefully at the poll, that it found that 83% of likely OJ voters will vote for Trump.
Reb Eliezer so you like a character of a career liar for 47 years
I am from the 17% as by me character matters.