SHOCK VIDEO: Smugglers Abandon 5-Year-Old, 3-Year-Old At The Border

Border Patrol on Wednesday released a shocking video of smugglers abandoning a 5-year-old girl and a 3-year-old girl at the border in the New Mexico desert in the middle of the night — after dropping them from over a 14-foot border barrier.

The video, released by El Paso Sector Chief Patrol Agent Gloria Chavez, shows what she said was two smugglers scaling the fence and dropping each child onto the ground and harsh surface, before tossing what appears to be some belongings down.

The two smugglers then are seen fleeing from the southern side of the fence.

Chavez said the little girls were left “miles from the nearest residence.” They were picked up by agents after they were spotted via surveillance technology.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

6 Responses

  1. I hate to say this…this is all america’s felt! Unbelievable no words can express the anger sadness and frustration, Do yourself a favor and don’t watch the video It is so heartbreaking. (I couldn’t even bear seeing the rest of the video )

  2. Just 1 more in a horrifying litany of unending shocking acts caused by sleepy joe.
    But amazingly, in 4 entire years in the good old days of President Donald Trump, I literally didn’t see even 1 single shocking event caused by President Donald Trump who was such a remarkable great President.

  3. obviously these people were paid good money by the parent that knew the border patrol would find them and take care of them in the USA. I don’t understand why any of this is framed as “ruthless” or “vicious”, perhaps it’s more “desperate” and “taking advantage of US border policy”

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