PACKING THE COURT: Dems Claim Republicans “Stole The Court”; Nadler Says We Are “Un-Packing Court”

(AP Photo/Patrick Semansky, File)

A group of Democrats Thursday formally launched a legislative effort to pack the Supreme Court by adding four new justices, in a move that was hailed by progressive activists but quickly met with fierce GOP opposition and skepticism by Democratic leadership.

Sen. Ed Markey, D-Mass., along with House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerrold Nadler, D-N.Y., and Judiciary Committee members Mondaire Jones, D-N.Y., and Hank Johnson, D-Ga., stood outside the Supreme Court Thursday to announce their new legislation to expand the high court from 9 to 13 justices.

They said the far-right has hijacked the court thanks to “norm-breaking” moves by Senate Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., and expanding the number of justices is necessary to restore balance and integrity to the highest court in America.

Earlier, a reporter asked Speaker Pelosi about this move:

REPORTER: “Do you support Jerry Nadler’s bill to expand the Supreme Court by four seats and would you commit to bringing that bill to the floor?”

PELOSI: “No. I support the president’s commission to study such a proposal. — It’s not out of the question.”

“Republicans stole the Court’s majority, with Justice Amy Coney Barrett’s confirmation completing their crime spree,” Markey said in a statement. “Of all the damage Donald Trump did to our Constitution, this stands as one of his greatest travesties. Senate Republicans have politicized the Supreme Court, undermined its legitimacy, and threatened the rights of millions of Americans, especially people of color, women, and our immigrant communities.”

(Source: Fox News)

14 Responses

  1. A shame McCarty type isn’t around to purge this country from the Marxists at every organization. Nadler is a piece of garbage.

  2. I am a registered Democrat and an unrelenting liberal, but the idea of packing the US Supreme Court appalls me. If the current Democratic government, i.e., Democratic White House plus Democratic chambers of Congress, packs the court, the next Republican government (which will occur sooner than we think) will repack it, until the court itself becomes an unwieldy mess.

  3. More paranoia and clickbait from YWN. Get everybody mad and worked up about nothing. The bill has no chance of passing. It cannot pass the Senate as not all Dems are in favor of it. Regardless it would probably require 60 votes and even Biden has not publicly supported such an option.

    Perhaps YWN can make a good cheshbon hanefesh and try to keep it honest instead of pumping hysterics to the masses.

  4. So this FDR-esque absurdity is dead on arrival, because Queen Nancy won’t let the bill come to the floor. Nadler, Schiff, and their bed wetting cohorts make a laughing stock of their entire party machine.

  5. Keep bottling Democrat! Let’s rename our country too! Let’s call it the United States of Latin America vs. the parts of Latin America which are not United and in Hoduras, Mexico, Guatemala etc.

  6. Filthy TREASONOUS America hating Bolshevik godless DemonRats, are going to bring on an inevitable second civil war, as over a hundred million well armed patriotic America loving citizens will not sit and watch their country destroyed by these filthy traitorous sewer rats.
    After the dust has settled,these swines like Nadler,Schumer,Pelosi,Schiff will find themselves hanging from the gallows by their treasonous necks.
    But unfortunately ,as history has shown us in situations like that , it will be the innocent Jews who will be suffering the most.
    My friends , GALLUS AMERICA is coming to a bloody end, it’s time to pack our bags.
    HAKODOSH BORUCH HU has returned our ERETZ YISROEL to us on a silver platter, and begging us to come home, time to pack our bags.

  7. Mitch McConnell and the Republicans steal 2 SC seats from the democrat’s and it’s the democrat’s that are the hypocrites and destroying America ?! A topsy turvy world.

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