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Andrew Giuliani Struck in Face with Flower Pot

New York gubernatorial candidate Andrew Giuliani was hit in the face with a flower pot as he tried to break up a fight near Penn Station in New York City, the NY Post reports.

Giuliani, 35, the son of former Mayor Rudy Giuliani, said that he saw a man and woman engaged in a violent confrontation as he was walking to a meeting near Penn Station.

“I got between the two of them,” Giuliani said. “He had a flower pot. I think it was intended for her but it hit me on the left side of the face. Thankfully it was a plastic pot and not a clay pot. The soil mostly hit me. But I wan’t expecting it. It was a little bit of a shock.”

Giuliani phoned 911, and police arrived about 15 minutes later, though the suspect had already fled by then.

No arrests have been made over the incident and Giuliani was unable to positively identify the suspect in a police lineup.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

2 Responses

  1. ““I got between the two of them,” Giuliani said. “He had a flower pot.

    Sounds like an inside job….hopefully it was organic potting soil. Hamayvin yavin.

    Philadelphia, PA (November 7, 2020) Newswire Just four days after the presidential election, Rudy Giuliani, former NYC mayor and attorney for-president Donald Trump, hosted a press conference amidst the flower pots and bags of potting soil at Four Seasons Total Landscaping, a small business in suburban Philadelphia. The event was held discuss the status of the Trump campaign’s legal challenges to the ballot-counting process in the state, where the president’s early election lead over Joe Biden had shifted to a shortfall as mailed-in ballots were counted for Philadelphia, historically a heavily Democratic city. The unexpected site of the press conference, a local landscaping business located near a sex shop and a crematorium, has led to speculation that the President’s lawyer meant to book the upscale Four Seasons Hotel, five city blocks from the Pennsylvania Convention Center, where Philadelphia’s ballots were being counted. The owners’ of the landscaping company vigorously denied they had any involvement with the Trump campaign.

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