Hillary Clinton has found out who is at fault for Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine, and it’s not the person currently in the White House.
In an interview with MSNBC, the failed 2016 presidential nominee repeatedly suggested that former President Donald Trump and his fellow Republicans enabled Putin to commit whatever atrocities he’d like.
Clinton accused Trump of “giving aid and comfort” to Putin as he invades Ukraine and said Republicans are enabling Putin’s wish to “undermine democracy,” which she said aligns with their values.
“We have to also make sure that within our own country we are calling out those people who are giving aid and comfort to Vladimir Putin, who are talking about what a genius he is, what a smart move it is, who are unfortunately being broadcast by Russian media, not only inside Russia, but in Europe to demonstrate the division within our own country,” Clinton said.
“This is heartbreaking, but it’s also dangerous, and I think it’s time for what’s left of the Republican Party that has any common sense not just to say, OK, go help defend Ukraine against Putin, but to stand against those people in politics and government, in the media and elsewhere in our own country who are literally giving aid and comfort to an enemy of freedom and democracy,” she added.
“It can’t continue because it plays right into the ambitions of not just Putin, but also President Xi of China to undermine democracy, to literally divide and conquer the west without ever invading us, but by setting us against each other.”
(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)
16 Responses
This woman is unbelievable! She just doesn’t go away! He husband got caught with Monica Lewinsky and she first blamed the “vast right-wing conspiracy”. The chutzpah of her. She doesn’t get anything right.
She is not only sick and corrupt, she is 1000% IRRELEVANT.
You lost, get over it & join your buddy Biden in Lal-Lal Land.
The fact that Crooked Hillary is one big idiot with half a brain and vile mouth… Is also Trump’s fault?
Why don’t we just her husband for it, too? While we’re at it?
What would you expect from a woman who stands by her rapist husband!
Notice what Hillarey states towards end of interview. She opposes Putin and the Russians because they are anti gay.
This ugly woman should just go into her backyard and continue to smoke her pot and snort what she snots. She is a bad person.
She hates all republicans and Israel and accepts blame for nothing.
What a dog! Always blame other people 😒
Imagine if Obama had said the exact same things trump has said, these same republicans would be calling for his execution.
Everything she says is correct, she’s calling them out for supporting a murderous dictator. She doesn’t blame them for Putin’s aggression, unlike some republicans blaming Biden. Supporting Putin would be the equivalent of supporting hitler ys’v.
Trump was for Putin but Hillary was against.
What took so long ?????!!!!!!
Well said, crooked Hillary. We will accept your comment in the same way we accept all your nonsense and lies.
it lookslike that she is nhere to help the republian party to win big the midterm elections
Obama regularly blamed Bush! It’s a very Democrat thing to do.
I think Putin has been on his current path since he became Russia’s president more than 20 years ago, and no one could have stopped him, other than the Russian electorate. What will finally reverse his path is (i) his death (inevitable, but who knows when), (ii) his failure to win reelection, not likely, especially since he counts the votes (Stalin’s idea), or (iii) a decision by Russian elites to dump him for inadequately sharing his take from the kleptocracy.