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Bloomberg’s Campaign Aiming to Get Obama’s Attention

blo1.jpgNew York, NY – HE refuses to say for whom he voted in the presidential election, but Mayor Bloomberg is now hitching his political wagon to President Obama in hopes of defusing mayoral challenger Bill Thompson’s obvious appeal to black voters.

Bloomberg has become such a fervent champion of Obama in recent weeks that it sometimes seems that he — not Thompson — is the Democrat in the race.

The mayor’s campaign last week unleashed robo-calls to remind voters that Bloomberg and Obama are on the same page when it comes to health-care reform.

When a reporter pointed out that the president has yet to produce a specific health-care plan, Bloomberg sprang to his defense.

“Well, the president’s been in office 10 weeks. He can’t do everything,” the mayor said. “Let’s give him a little bit of slack.”

Thompson marveled at the mayor’s conversion.

“It’s nice that the mayor has finally decided to mention Barack Obama, since he never endorsed him and never supported him,” Thompson said.

“If I remember correctly, just reading his comments with the Republican county leaders, he had indicated that he supported the Republican candidate for president.”

Insiders say the mayor’s strategy is to Velcro himself to a popular president and to blunt a possible appearance by Obama on behalf of the comptroller, which would certainly boost Thompson’s chances of becoming the city’s second black mayor.

“He’s inoculating himself,” said one Bloomberg ally. “Even if Obama comes in to endorse Thompson, [Bloomberg] is hoping it’ll be the same way Bill Clinton endorsed Freddy Ferrer in 2005.”

(Source: NY Post)

One Response

  1. i cant believe frum jews are supporting bloomberg even if the other guy is worse bloomberg has to go you have to get him out of the picture, hes arrogant self centered personally i think he has an evil streak running through him

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