From across the globe, YWN has been receiving hundreds of emails with photos of Birchas Hachama. Due to the overwhelming amount of photos still being received, YWN will be posting all further Birchas Hachama photos in batches instead of individual posts.The names of the locations below are all hyperlinked, and will take you to the individual album.
Birchas Hachama in Slonim Yerushalayim
Birchas Hachama With The Pupa Rebbe In Williamsburg
Birchas Hachama At Kavunas Halev in Boro Park
Birchas Hachama With Kosov Rebbe
Birchas Hachama with Rav Dovid Feinstein in the East Side
Birchas HaChamah at Kehilas Ahavas Yisroel / Tzemach Tzedek in Baltimore with Rabbi Heber
Birchas HaChamah at Kehilas Agudas Achim in Zurich
Birchas Hachama Kehilas Yaakov in Amsterdam with Rav Evers
Birchas Hachama in Boca Raton Florida
Birchas HaChamah at the Kasinski Shul in Budapest
Birchas Hachama at the Kosel
Birchas HaChamah at the central park in Kiryat Sefer with the Rabbonim of the city
Birchas Hachama in Detroit with Snow!
Birchas Hachama Beth Israel & Miami Beach Kollel
Birchas Hachama in New Square
Birchas Hachama at Darchei Tzedek in Baltimore
Birchas HaChamah at the Gabicce Mare / Tourman Kosher Hotel in Italy with Rabbi Lieberman, Chief Rabbi of Antwerp