Bonei Olam Of Lakewood Auction Is Just A Few Days Away: Purchase Tickets NOW; Help Bring Mashiach!

smc.jpg(By: L. Halevi)


Yes, support Bonei Olam and bring Mashiach closer!

So, what do Mashiach and Bonei Olam have to do with one another?  Allow me to explain.

We all know that in the first Bracha of Shemona Esrei, referred to as Birchas Avos- we mention the Zechus of our holy Avos, Avrohom, Yitzchok and Yaakov in whose merit the final redemption will come.

However, Chazal (Pesachim 117b) tell us that when it comes to the end of the Bracha, only Avraham is mentioned, as Hashem promised Avraham “Becha Chosmin, the end will be with you alone – Magen Avraham.”

Why is this?

The holy Chafetz Chaim explained that each of the Avos had a distinct strength in which they imbued Klal Yisroel for all generations; Avraham was the pillar of Chesed, Yitzchok the pillar of Avodah and Yaakov the pillar of Torah.

Indeed, the world cannot exist without all 3 pillars, and at no point in Klal Yisroel’s history was there ever a total cessation of any of these three pillars. Klal Yisroel has survived, as Hashem has promised, and has overcome the most impossible obstacles imaginable.

Yet, continued the Chafetz Chaim, the level of Torah and Avodah has gotten smaller and weaker with each passing generation, and in the generation before Mashiach, the times will be so trying and chaotic that Torah and Avodah will not be embraced by the masses and the winds of secularism and  immorality will reign in the world.

However, the third pillar, the pillar of Gemilas Chasadim will be the pillar with which the world excels in this last generation before Mashiach, and even those who are lacking in the first two pillars will be able to contribute to the coming of Mashiach via the third pillar, the pillar of  Chesed of Avraham Avinu.

Thus, “Becha Chosmin- with you alone we will end” means, In you- with your midah of Chesed, Chosmin- will the last generation end, and merit greeting Mashiach!

Indeed, the Pasuk (Yeshaya 1:27) tells us clearly “Tzion B’Mishpat TiPadeh, V’ShaveHa  B’Tzedaka”, the final redemption will only be in the merit of Tzedakah!

Additionally, the Gemara (Yevamos 63b) tells us that “Ain Ben Dovid Ba ad SheYichlu Kol HaNeshamos SheBaguf- Mashiach cannot arrive until all the Neshamos that need to be born descend to this earth”

Consequently, we see a clear connection between the arrival of Mashiach and the holy work- and the support of- of Bonei Olam!

Bonei Olam- like Avraham Avinu- understands the pain of infertility.

Bonei Olam- like Avraham Avinu- is the pillar of Chesed in the community and around the world.

Bonei Olam- assisting childless couples- is the highest form of Tzedakah!

Bonei Olam- facilitating miracles- is helping countless Neshomos descend to earth

Bonei Olam and its supporters- like Avraham Avinu- will be the conduit with which Mashiach Arrives!

Yes, we are in the final stage.

Yes, Mashiach is on his way!

Yes, your support of Bonei Olam at this time can- and will- bring Mashiach!

Bonei Olam. Since its inception around a decade ago has helped facilitate the births of over 1,800 Yiddishe Neshomos, including 200 babies in Lakewood!

Can you imagine this joy?!

Although the economic situation is not as strong as it used to be, Bonei must still find the means necessary to continue to help each and every couple that knocks on its doors.

Can we allow a couple to remain childless simply due to the lack of funds? Will we allow a couple to see their dreams of continuity shattered due to a downward economy?

Can you imagine the pain of not being able to help another couple?!

Bonei Olam refuses to say “no” to any couple, and in turn is relying on the community as a whole to continue not saying “no” and maintain and strengthen their support of Bonei Olam despite it being more difficult to do so.

Besides for the pure Tzedakah and Chesed that one achieves by supporting Bonei Olam, as an added bonus, supporters of Bonei Olam have the special Bracha of Maran Rav Ahron Leib Steinman Shlita, who is actively involved in every aspect of Bonei Olam and continually blesses all who assist Bonei Olam in this holy work, which in his words “will bring the Geulah so much quicker”.

The Bonei Olam of Lakewood Gala auction, “Sweet Moments” will iy”H take place on Tuesday evening, December 29th at the Lake Terrace ballroom. The event is for married women only.

The guest speaker will be Rabbi Shlomo Bochner, one of the founders and executive director of Bonei Olam, who is known for his powerful and heartwarming speeches.

A Personal story will also be delivered by a woman who overcame her struggles and with Bonei Olam’s help is now a mother of children.

Rena Marton will also be singing a special composition for Bonei Olam, and judging from her last performance 2 years ago, it is sure to be something special.

A special video presentation will also be shown, which is sure to be enjoyed by all, and an elegant buffet by Greenwald caterers will be served.

The evening is sure to be one that is filled with inspiration and community, hope and song, not to mention over 75 happy winners of fabulous prize packages!

If you did not yet receive the beautiful full color auction booklet, please call the Bonei Olam of Lakewood office at 732-942-7773 to request one or email [email protected] .

To purchase discounted (50% off!) auction tickets please call 732-953-6050 or view and purchase at

Bonei Olam only hosts one event each year in Lakewood, alternating between a dinner and an auction. So, even if for whatever reason you will not be purchasing auction prizes or attending the Auction, please do not forget to send in a generous contribution to Bonei Olam of Lakewood 3 Brittany Ct. Lakewood NJ 08701!

In the merit of the community’s staunch support of Bonei Olam  even in tough economic times, may we all be zoche to the greatest Gala event of all: The arrival of Mashiach Tzidkeinu B’Meheira!


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