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Boro Park: 66th Police Precinct salutes cop

66 cover.jpgCops from the 66th Precinct honored another fighter in the war against crime last week by honoring Police Officer Davida Welch as cop of the month for May. During a recent meeting of the 66th Precinct Community Council, held at the Community Board 12 offices, Captain Peter DeBlasio, the commanding officer of the 66th Precinct, honored the anti-crime cop for apprehending three muggers responsible for attacking a Frum man in early April, as well as collaring a man wanted for a burglary. (Source: Flatbush LIfe)

5 Responses

  1. Thank you for doing a job, well done. Get the muggers and thieves off the block and stop worrying about sanitation summons.

  2. Shtussin!!!!!!!! they are doing their job- Shkoiach….
    Hatzloocha Rabba L’oivdei Hashem (“V’koivei Hashem Yachlifu Koiach”)!

  3. bneibrak-
    First of all, it’s Shtuyois, not Shtissim. Second of all, How good are you at your job? Third of all, did you ever say Thank You to the people in the bakery for handing you a loaf of bread? “They are doing their job- Shkoiach….”

  4. yatzmich,
    how many times you honored your baker?
    ah and by the way i am good at my job- even though i don’t get a Yasher Koiach B’rabim every month…
    Hatzloocha Rabba

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