YWN EXCLUSIVE VIDEO & PHOTOS: Some Sanitation Workers Study Talmud (Daf Yomi) As Blizzard Excuse

The attached video & photos [posted below] obtained exclusively by YWN are quite interesting, to say the least. They show a NYC Sanitation employee (the driver of a salt-spreader), sitting inside a Boro Park Shul, and listening to a Daf Yomi Shiur (daily Talmudic study session).

The following information is based on eye-witness accounts of the incident.

On Wednesday evening, at approximately 8:00PM, a salt & plow truck turned into 45th Street from 14th Avenue, and after driving about 100 feet, the driver claimed the truck was stuck.

After being asked by residents why he had stopped his truck, he stated that he was too close to a parked vehicle, and was scared that he’d get into an accident, and was going to wait until he was pulled out by a big rig.

After a while, friendly neighbors brought the driver a drink and some chips to munch on. They also informed the driver that if he needed the restroom, he could go into the “Sefardishe Shul” located on the corner of 14th Ave & 45th Street, which is usually opened until midnight.

Our source tells us that when he went out to Daven Maariv later that evening, he noticed that the truck was empty. When he was returning home he again noticed that the truck was empty, and peeked into the Sefardishe Shul. What he saw was so unbelievable that it prompted him to grab a camera, take a few shots as well as a short video clip. The Sanitation worker was sitting at the end of a table of people listening to a Daf Yomi Shiur (not to mention playing with his cellphone….during a Shiur….). Incredibly, the man sat through the entire Shiur, which ended close to midnight.

“At 11:30 I went out to check again and sure enough he was still siting there and scratching his chin I guess trying to understand the Gemara”, the source told YWN.

Another source told YWN that the Sanitation employee remained inside the Shul until 5:00AM, when his truck was pulled out.

Click HERE for photos, and click HERE to watch the video if you are using a mobile device.

(Eli Gefen – YWN)

20 Responses

  1. At first I thought it was jewish sanitation worker and I didn’t understand what was the big deal.
    Then I saw the video!

    The Rov giving the shiur sounds like the same one who is on e-daf.com English Audio.

  2. OK. This is my first blog to this supposedly “frum” forum. Why is it necessary to publish this information about another yid? Disgusting. I have a feeling this will also be my last blog here too.

    Get your act together!!!

  3. why are you doing that???
    thats a thing that will only make antisemtism.
    why should Yiden get involved in every garbage???
    our for-father Yaakov Uviny told his children, “Lumo Tisruee” למה תתראו, even they had enough food, they should keep a low profile.
    why should we be seeking dirt on others?

  4. Mi ke’amecha keYisrael goy echad baaretz. At least he wasn’t getting drunk. The headline of the article and most of the body of the article is clearly disparaging to this Yid. YWN should be more careful in all their stories not to sensationalize news.

    Are we to believe he was at fault or just making the most of being stuck?

  5. if the guy would have gone into hear a lecture in say a church, ywn would go crazy and blast the guy.
    now cuz its a daf shiur, yw thinks its cute

  6. Can someone please explain the point of this article.

    Would you have liked the driver to attempt to move the truck and possibly do serious damage to the car that was very close to him? Hardly. We would have been all over him for denting somebody’s car.

    Would you have liked him to wait in his freezing truck? What for? What would be the point in that?

    Are you trying to humor him for trying not to stick out like a sore thumb in the Sefardishe Shul?

    Answers, please

  7. Why is it necessary to publish this information about another yid?

    clearly disparaging to this Yid

    Which Yid???

    I think many of you have taken this man to be jewish, he is not. YWN is simply putting up a cute video of what appears to be a non-jewish man listening to daf yomi, when in fact he is merely resting.

  9. How can anyone here say for sure this was not a yid? because he wasn’t dressed the way we dress? There are Jews allover New York who you cannot identify by levush. Did anyone ask, if he is Jewish, or were we just concerned to make some entertainment for ourselves?

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