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Aron Levi Formally Charged, Attorney Says He ‘Hears Voices’

2:55PM EST: Levi Aron entered no plea Thursday to charges of first-degree murder and kidnapping, and was ordered held without bail. He is accused of snatching Leiby Kletzky off the street and taking him to his home, where police say he suffocated and dismembered him.

His attorney, Pierre Bazile, said Aron hears voices and has hallucinations. A psychiatric exam was ordered.

He will be going to trial July 28 and he has been placed on suicide watch, and will be placed into protective custody — an area in jail where security is tighter and officer presence is more pronounced.

An eyewitness in the courtroom told YWN that Levi did not say a word during the proceedings.

He entered the courtroom for the arraignment looking disheveled and pale. As he was led out from the courthouse holding pens, other inmates screamed obscenities at him.

(Dov Gordon – YWN / NBC NY)

40 Responses

  1. he should never be free again, G-D forbid they find him innocent for reasons of insanity.
    Maybe someone can arrange for him to meet some inmates who may want to take him for a ride.

  2. I think they should let him out on bail…on 13th ave for 1 hour. No further action by the authorities will be necessary….

  3. It is well known that child abusers are at the very bottom of the food chain even in the prisons with the lowest criminals. He’s in protective custody because otherwise the other inmates would ensure he doesn’t live to go to trail.

  4. #5 stop your Liberal nonsense talk would you, the truth is there is no way this guy has much longer to live in the joint they will kill him (hopefully in a cruel painful way)and if he gets out someone will kill him

  5. The District Attorney should stop leaking information since based on some news sites, he may run into problems with convicting on First Degree Murder, and may have to deal with “diminished capacity” (based on reports in some other news sites – plus the inherent implication of a middle aged man working as a stockboy even if he doesn’t hear voices). By trying to whip up a public frenzy for political purposes, the District Attorney risks putting himself into a situation that will force him to focus onr the most serious charges and risk getting an aquittal (similar to the recent Anthony case in Florida).

  6. To number 5 a family has the right to kill the murderer if they can get to him before the cities of refuge. since klal yisrael is one family we have the right

  7. To: Working – I am not condoning the above referred to suggestions, and dinei d’malchusa not withstanding, but the Gemora teaches, regarding a go’ail ha’dam, that “reshus b’yad kol Adam. And if my memory serves me correctly, It is Rebbe Akiva (of v’ahavta l’rayacha kamocha fame) who teaches v’chol Adam ein chayavin alav. So such statements, besides being very understandable considering the emotions involved, are certainly not those of a murderer.

  8. #5-
    We are unclear as to what your position is on this topic, please make your position clear.
    What would be your suggestion? How would you like to see this handled?

  9. all you people out there please remember that we live in the united states were a person is presumed innocent until proven otherwise as in guilty . now if you can’t live with that then move out . you are no different then the twenty five people who took a Jew by the name of frank out of a jail in Atlanta many years ago for a crime that he did not commit and was strung up on a tree and linched to death

  10. Of course he hears voices – he hears voices of thousands of Jews and others around the world crying in mourning and screaming for his demise, may it come quickly.

  11. G-d Forbid; I am not saying that he should ever walk the streets again. He should be dealt with to the extent that the law allows. While I understand that Halacha may dictate one way ( and I am by no means even close to an expert), we must also remember dinei d’malchusa.

    Let me clarify again; what he did was reprehensible and no explanation would explain or excuse the act. Furthermore, killing him would not come close to the terrible and heartbreaking act which occurred. However, we have to remember that we are not the only ones to read this site and its comments. While there is a lot of empathy in other communities right now, we should not give anyone an excuse to say that the Jews are as bad as everyone else and they would kill if they had a chance. I am not telling you what to do nor how to do it. However, keep it to yourself and don’t post it where it can be seen forever.

    My sincerest apologies if anyone thought I was excusing his actions, or worse, condoning them.

  12. I would like to add to #18’s comments. Even in the times when Bais Din had the authority to carry out a capital punishment, it was only if the criminal was first warned that the action is forbidden and carries a death penalty and then the act was witnessed by two witnesses. Bais Din would not execute a criminal based on a confession alone. Additionally, on the day a bais din pronounced such a judgment, they would be required to fast, a sign of the seriousness of such a decision. This is a far cry from a “let’s lynch him!” attitude.
    Before posting comments in a very public forum (YWN has been linked to many other news sources regarding this tragedy), one should think about how their comments may sound and reflect on us as a community.

  13. Even the worst gangster in prison will beat him up for what he did and the gaurds might not see it happening if you know what I mean…

  14. #10 are you saying this was shogeg??
    I am shocked by the drivel being aired accross the board Leiby has a special place in olam haba, and this nebach psyco most likely has a special place in hell. But why do we all have to voice our nonsense?
    For now the courts will judge, and for real hashem has the score…
    Enough drivel on what should or shouldn’t be done, go learn a misna liuli nishmas laiby and do something productive

  15. #16, Aron led the police to the pieces of the boy’s dismembered body and confessed to the murder. He had 3 knives in his home, with the dead boy’s blood on them. Are we angry at him for a crime that he didn’t commit?

  16. Innocent till proven guilty, if he is bipolar have rachmonus, if you have rachminus on others Hashem will have rachmonus on you.

  17. Is this an Arab site that whips the crowd into a murderous frenzy? Yesh Din v’Yesh Dayan. The suspect is in police custody. Police is investigating. The suspect might as well be insane.

    Regarding Goel haDam, he is allowed to kill one who murdered his relative ONLY if the murderer killed b’shogeg. If bais din determines he killed b’mezid,he is executed if he got due warning from kosher witnesses. What’s sure, if the suspect is killed while he is in police custody and while police investigates, the one who killed the suspect is a rotzeach.

    Hey, you can’t think and act like an Araber if you are a Yid.

  18. ANONYM613 (#22)

    Per Shulchan Aruch,

    A Yid who confessed to theft/robbery IS believed.

    A Yid who confessed to murder IS NOT believed.

    Is the Shulchan Aruch part of your mindset? Does Shulchan Aruch matter to you?

    The mishna talks to all of us: Be deliberate in judgment!!!

    Let the police carry out the investigation. They were pretty good. They caught the suspect in no time. They caught the murderer of Ari Halberstam (the bachur that was shot on Brooklyn Bridge, back when Giuliani was mayor) very fast as well.

  19. I don’t know where you guys learnt but a goel hadam is only for shogeg and not mezid. learn chumash and gemoro makos before commiting yourself to become the next roteze’ach bemezid!

  20. ANONYM613

    What’s the meaning of the number 613 in your pen-name? Call yourself Tzadik, Chassid, Chachom. It wouldn’t be more misleading.

  21. kol hameracheim al achzarim sofo l’achzeir al rachmanim. Levi Aron is an achzor, he will not get rachmanus from me. bipolar, scizoprenic, etc. i dont care which name you call his mental illness, only an achzar can act as barbaric as he did.

  22. ANONYM613 says:
    600 Kilo Bear says:
    the bottom line is that we live in the united states were people have there day in court. if you don’t like the rules of the state then move out

  23. When did he begin hearing voices and hallucinating? Could it possibly have been this morning, just before court began?

  24. Thats only in beis din. Besides even without his confesion its very easy to find him guilty using finger prints and DNA.

  25. “you can’t think and act like an Araber but claim to be Yiden.”

    The Rosh Yeshiva of Kamenitz, R’ Baruch Ber, after a murderous pogrom in Kishinev, lifted up his hands and said that without Torah, his two hands would do the same murderous acts. So stop thinking and fantasizing like Arabers and start being Yiden! That’s why der Aibeshter gave us the Torah.

  26. Don’t do him anything let him come up to the oilum haemes and thay should take care of him exact amount of what it comes him not more and not less

  27. SHOCKING NEWS!!! It could even be that he will sit less then rubashkin!! rubashkin is sentence for 27 years and the guide line for him is 25-life.

  28. “he should never be free again, G-D forbid they find him innocent for reasons of insanity”

    If he is found not guilty by reason of insanity he will never be free again: See the case of John Hinckley.

  29. Voices, no voices, bipolar, or not. This person [?] should not walk the streets again; since if he is capable to do it once he is capable to do it again. He must be locked up forever and not let the liberals say he is cured

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