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Israeli Yated Continues Digging A Hole Regarding Interview With Rav Moshe Sternbach

It appears that a ‘clarification’ appearing in the Wednesday, 28 Tishrei edition of Yated Ne’eman only serves to dig a larger hole for the newspaper following its Sukkos ‘interview’ with HaGaon HaRav Moshe Sternbuch Shlita, who is the “Raavad” of the Eidah Charedis, .

The story surrounds an interview that was published on erev Yomtov that was allegedly between the newspaper and Rav Sternbach, stating the interview was held in the Rav’s study with the knowledge and approval of the Rav’s family.

Prior to publication, the family of the Raavad released a statement that there was no interview and the claim that Yated sat with the Rav was simply not based in fact.

Now, realizing the need to correct the situation, Yated published a ‘clarification’ in the name of the columnist, stating “regarding the article on HaGaon HaRav Moshe Sternbuch Shlita in the erev Sukkos edition, the questions to the Rav were submitted in writing to the Rav’s son, Rav Asher Shlita, and the responses were returned to the newspaper by the Rav’s son in the Beis Din building. I was invited to the beis din to receive the responses. The article was sent to the family for approval prior to publication, and it was authorized with a number of requested changes. The interview was not conducted in the Rav’s office as was indicated”.

As far as members of the Gavaad’s family are concerned the clarification does little to set the record straight, with Kikar Shabbat quoting a statement released: “It appears that Yated has chosen to continue lying even while issuing a clarification. There is no doubt that the entire interview was plagiarized word for word from another newspaper”.

NOTE: The Israeli Yated is not associated in anyway with the American Yated.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

5 Responses

  1. #1 Rav Shach asked Rav Aharon Feldman start the English Yated.
    He also met many times with Reb Pinchos Lipshutz.
    I’m not sure where you got your information from.

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