Released Terrorist: Israel Teaches Us That Abducting Soldiers Is The Way To Go

Muhmad Hasanah, 50, a Gaza resident, was among those released in the Gilad Shalit deal. He served 26 years of his 30-year sentence for a bomb attack. A member of the Islamic Jihad, he told Walla News that he is tired and after so many years in prison, he does not plan to return to the life of a weapon and terrorism.

He told Walla that Israel has sent a clear message with the Shalit deal, that abducting soldiers is the way towards obtaining the release of prisoners.

“After 26 years in prison I discovered an entirely new world”. He explained his three children have grown up and one has completed university studies. He has six grandchildren, telling Walla he plans to get to know his family.

“You made a big deal, a major story over the fact that Gilad Shalit did not receive visitors during his five years in captivity. Well, I too was not able to receive visits from my children since 1995. My children do not know who I am”.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

8 Responses

  1. only difference is shalit was protecting his country while hasanah was murdering our country but really besides that they were both just the same type of captives.

  2. What an idiot! Gilad Shalit did not do anything wrong to deserve his solitary confinement. He was minding his own business. If this jerk would have minded his own business, he wouldn’t have been in jail!

  3. The difference, of course, being that Shalit was, if anything, a prisoner of war and deserved certain rights as such (including the right for the family to know his location) and this man was a criminal convicted of murder of innocent civilians.

  4. #4, you are actually wrong. At least in the US, criminals are afforded certain rights, no matter how brutal the crmminal is.

  5. #5, actually, you’re wrong. The Geneva Conventions, which set the of rules for POW’s, is only for actual POW’s, meaning they must belong to a legit army. As you can assume, this terrorist is not part of an army, he’s just an idiot with an AK-47.

  6. thats good i hope he is true too his word anf lives the rest of his life peacefully and x plan any terrorist attacks at all!

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