Senior Eida Officials Arrested in Yerushalayim Embezzlement Scam

Six people were arrested in Yerushalayim on Sunday morning, 20 Teves 5772 by tax authorities for their alleged connection to a money embezzlement scam that netted million of shekels. It appears the suspects are linked to the Eida Chareidit’s Vaad Artzi. Authorities report the arrests followed an extensive undercover investigation. Five of the suspects are chareidi, residents of Yerushalayim. The suspects in custody include R’ Shmulik Lubitzky, who is very close to the Gavaad, as well as the Gavaad’s personal assistant, R’ Amram Shapira. Also in custody are Yossela Sheinberger, Eli Bar-Ezer and Yaakov Eisenbach.

An undercover investigation focused on the Eida’s Vaad Artzi, with reports indicating undercover agents working in cooperation with banks documented major tax evasion, money laundering and other crimes totaling millions of dollars.

Police and tax officials raided an office of the tzedaka located on Rappaport Street in Beit Yisrael, as well as homes, and agents confiscated computers and documents in the early-morning raid. Officials report the office in question, on Rappaport Street, has been operating since 2000. Allegations include funneling “large sums of monies abroad”.

Additional arrests are expected according to mainstream media reports. Eida officials are indicating that since some of the sikrikim are affiliated with the Vaad Artzi, police raided the office as part of the crackdown against that faction, seeking to play down the severity of mainstream media reports of a money laundering operation.

Senior members of the Eida Chareidis, including Gavaad HaRav HaGaon Yitzchak Tuvia Weiss Shlita met on Sunday morning following the arrests of six people in a raid of an Eida tzedaka office in Beit Yisrael.

It is reported that during the meeting HaRav Weiss stated, “The arrests are intended against me, not Lubitzky. What do they want from him? They want to arrest me so let them come and arrest me and leave him alone”.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

14 Responses

  1. i dont understand- how can ANY rav support money laundering..
    i dont care who the supposed rav is – if they support it they are not a rav or a rebbe and should be in jail

  2. Are they accused of taking money from the Eida and using it for personal use without the permission of the Eida, or are they accused of conducting the business of the Eida without using the government’s channels ande without “sharing” with the government (which is a subset of treason,which is to be expected since the Eida, for all intents in purposes, are traitors from a zionist perspective).

    In general, arresting someone for a political crime has international significance since most countries don’t cooperate (won’t extradite, won’t cease assets), especially but not limited to countries with different political perspectives – and can be considered a serious human right violation (it will be “fascinating” if the Eida asks the United Nations for assistance).

  3. It is obvious that the Zionist regime with collusion of the secular media is conducting a concerted effort to break the spirit of the religious Jews that do not take any funding from them , hence are a thorn in their side & a thorn in the side off all the chassidic Rebbes & mosdos who are bribed by the zionists to be quiet when the torah is trampled.
    But they will not succeed !!!!


  5. t is reported that during the meeting HaRav Weiss stated, “The arrests are intended against me, not Lubitzky. What do they want from him? They want to arrest me so let them come and arrest me and leave him alone”.

    It appears that the police are arresting the suspects. If the Gavad is a suspect Im sure he will be arrested as well.

  6. Not Possible!

    According to the Satmar Rebbe R’ Yoel’ish – one is not allowed even to touch Zionist currency. So how could it be that they laundered Zionist Shekels – when you are not even allowed to touch it….!!

    HHmm…makes one wonder…………..!

  7. Money Laundering is an issue that has many subdivisions.

    Money that is used without taxes paid on it, tzedakah receipts disbursed without that amount charity given, etc. etc. This is a no-win situation.
    A community that lives in a country and feels/acts/behaves with no sovereignty to its laws, regulations, etc….will find itself in this predictment.

  8. Some people here must be kidding, or are extremely naive. This is no money laundering issue, and no tax issue! this is a major operation to bring down the Edah and stuff up the mouth of the charedim once and forever, it has been leading this way for the past weeks and months, its unbelievable to what vicious activity hate to torah and to the charedim can still bring them to!

  9. Writing that this is a political crme is nonsense. The Sikrikin is a terrorist organization and besides the tax accusations (a violation of Tora law – gezel amnat hamelech) if the suspects are guilty they were financing terror. Thus, they could also be sued in any country whose citizens the Sikrikin harmed.

  10. when you use the term “sikrikim” on any charedi you dislike, you’re justifying those Jerusalemites yelling NAzis on whom they dislike..
    Otherwise this term has no means, one day NK is sikrik, one day the gerres, one day the BAtei Warsha residents, and one day the Edah’niks.

  11. Virtually every frum tsedakah organization on earth is “money laundering”. So please, dont react when the media flashes key words meant to make small brained people to immediately jump.
    Dina de malchuta dina. 99% of people who invoke this, are absoultely clueless as to the parameters and extent of this line found twice in the Talmud. First off it absolutely under no circumstance can ever apply in Erets Ysirael! In the Gemara in the two places it briefly graces the pages, we are also told when to not pay taxes to the government. IN one place in Pesachim, one Rav cautions another Rav to be careful not to get caught avoiding taxes. He does not tell him to pay them, just to not get caught! Dina de malchuta dina, go and learn about it, and how it virtually does not exist!!!!

  12. I will not buy an item that is under the supervision of lazy, pathological liars, racist and violent goons. I’d rather eat an item with a questionable hashgacha than support mechalelei shem shamayim! Down with the Eida Ha’tipshit (The congregation of Imbeciles)Charedim will not allow a person to be a shaliach Tzibur if they are not wearing a black hat which is requirment not mentioned by the talmud, Mishne Torah etc, but will allow a liar, cheat and violent mongrel to daven for the tzibur even though chazal across the board that say that such behavior is meakev a person from being allowed to represent the tzibur.

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