Eichler & Abutbul Ousted From Knesset Session For ‘Unacceptable Behavior’

MK (Likud) Tzipi Chotovely, who chairs the Knesset Committee on the Status of Women on Tuesday, 5 Adar 5772, ousted MK Yisrael Eichler and Beit Shemesh Mayor Moshe Abutbul from a session addressing the ‘hadarat nashim’, discrimination against women.

The stormy meeting included MKs from a number of parties, addressing the discriminatory practice of Kol Berama Radio which does not permit women to be heard on the air most of the day. Minister of Sport & Culture (Likud) Limor Livnat turned to the directors of the Second Broadcast Authority which is responsible for the chareidi radio station, calling upon him to compel the station to end its discriminatory practice. The radio has on several occasions explains it is not discriminating against women, but merely complying with the lifestyle and customs of its listening audience, questioning why the same eagerness to enforce equality laws are not extended to Arab radio stations.

Chotovely turned to the Channel 2 official, Ilan Avisar, and asked what he and his colleagues are doing to bring an end to discrimination against women. She asked if there is a segment in our society that opposes equal rights for women, adding such individuals should be sent to jail.

MK (HaBayit HaYehudi) Uri Orbach, a member of the dati leumi community [as is Chotovely] explained he will not agree to be interviewed on Kol Berama due to its discriminatory policy.

MK (Kadima) Nachman Shai attacked Kol Berama’s claim that a poll signals most listeners do not wish to hear women. He commented “if they also did not wish to hear Arabs would you bar them as well?” He acknowledged that the radio station is a local station addressing a specific sector but nonetheless he rejected the station’s policy.

Beit Shemesh Mayor Moshe Abutbul was ousted by Chotovely at some point for “unacceptable behavior. MK Eichler asked in a cynical tone why they don’t wage their war regarding discrimination against women in shuls towards permitting them to be chazanim or reading the Torah. Others present at the meeting report Eichler labeled female chazanim “heretics”. He was then instructed to leave, to join Abutbul outside.

Chotovely then turned to Avi Mimron who manages Kol Berama, giving him a two-month deadline at which time she wishes to see a new scheduling reality, one that includes females on the air.

Mimron reiterated this is contrary to the desire of his listening audience, adding any woman who wishes to call in and get on the air is accommodated, but females hosts are not what his audience wants.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

10 Responses

  1. The secularists are determined to cram their secular religion down our throats, whether we like it or not.

    That is why the IDF insists on having women sing at soldiers’ gatherings. This is SHMAD, in the manner of the Greeks in the time of Antiochus, forcing the Jewish People to abandon their Torah standards and, instead, adopt the standards of the gentiles.

  2. deepthinker – Tzipi Chotovely is far from a “secularist”. She made news when first elected for refusing to join a group shot with Netanyahu and other victorious Likud MKs, as the shot involved raised joined hands, and she is Shhomeret Negia. She was interviewed about it, and made quite a Kidush Hashem. This is a disagreement between those who want to adope more stringent rules than Halacha demands – and impose such views on others – and those who do not believe in forcing others to follow every possible Chumra.

    The issue at hand, regarding radio stations, is not as clear-cut as some others, but calling someone who is Shomer Torah u’Mitzvos a “secularist” because you disagree with her is likely Motzi Shem Ra.

    an Israeli Yid

  3. Women are over 50% of society and have much to add in the field of education, medicine, yahadus, etc…. don’t ignore or void them from participation according to mesoras yisroel.

  4. An Israeli Yid, if some peope want to have chumros for themselves, Chotoveli should not be stoping them, especially, in such an aggressive manner.

  5. Eichler has consistently shown himself to be lacking in derech eretz to those with whom he disagrees and this is not the first time he had to be expelled from the Kenesset meetings. Similarly, Abutal has failed to address consistent issues of Chareidi abuse in Beis Shemesh and also has issues with respectful dialogue. More important than the issue of of this radio station failing to follow the law is the growing trend to rationalize the degradation and devaluation of women in the name of daas torah. The notion that a radio station’s listeners don’t believe a woman’s opinions on public policy issues are beond absurd. No responsible Rav has ever paskind that it is assur to listen to a woman “talk”. We are not talking any issue of kok isha.

  6. Gadolhadorah, first, the name is Rabbi Eichler. Second, if this member of Kenesset really ils shomer negia, she should also learn the din of serara and not be in the Kenesset. Third, giving an opinion in the media on “public policy issues” may also be serara and is untznius for females. Fourth, Mayor Abutbul (not “Abutal”) was elected to look after the interests of frum Yidden, including the machmirim.

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