Arabs Harass Girl in Jerusalem Park – Cops Arrest Father

An Arab youth on Monday, 8 Iyar 5772 began taunting a Jewish girl in the Gan Shalom playground in Jerusalem’s French Hill neighborhood. The girl ran and her father called police. When police arrived, they decided to arrest the father on suspicion of striking the Arab youth.

Eyewitnesses explained the frum girl was simply watching a young sibling when the Arab youth began taunting her, coming too close to her for comfort. She ran home and called her father who summoned police. The police car was manned by three policemen, two Jews and an Arab. The Arab began studying the body of the Arab youth and he found a red spot on his back, explaining they have to take the father in on suspicion of assaulting the Arab youth. When police were asked if the Arab youth accused the father of striking him the Arab policeman said “it does not matter. I have seen enough and he is suspected of assault so he must accompany us for questioning”. Parents who witnessed the event were in shock.

The Gan Shalom playground has been a location of controversy between Jews and Arabs for a number of years as the latter continues to feel at home in the community. The sharp increase in the Arab presence in French Hill has compelled some to stop shopping locally, especially the neighborhood strip mall which is overrun by Arabs from neighboring communities.

The once elite Jerusalem neighborhood is now in a fight for its future survival to remain a Jewish area of the capital. With each passing day, the Arab presence in the community becomes increasingly prominent.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

16 Responses

  1. This is messed up! Anything could’ve caused that red spot on the Arabs back!!! What’s making the police suspect the frum girls father of assault?!?

  2. This is normal.

    If an Arab is arrested, they might riot and liberal Jews will show up to defend his human rights. But arresting a Jew is always safe.

  3. YW fan…

    “What’s making the police suspect the frum girls father of assault?!?”

    Absolutely nothing – but an insane level of “political correctness”.

  4. My daughter was harrassed by a bunch of bad Jewish boys in RBS Alef. They threatened to rape her several times. She called me when it happened. I went out and saw one of them, and called the police. The police arrested me instead for protecting my daughter.

    This must be Hashem’s Divine justice for what the terrible Jewish police did to me and now it happens midah kneged midah to another fellow Jew by an Arab police.

    In Israel, the Jewish and Arab police are one schmuck!!

  5. This sounds a lot like the quiet incident 2 years ago in Ramat Bet Shemesh in which Bet Shemesh police had an open case against a boy who admitted that his gang had threatened a girl with gang rape a week earlier (the actual English words they used were a bit more coarse). She had been just walking to and from a tutor’s house.

    The father called over police, with paperwork on the open case, and the Bet Shemesh police arrested him, and didn’t permit the girl to give a statement to the police.

    All these incidents happened right on the primary loop road right in front of a prominent community building.

    Not even the Rape Crisis Center or any prominent Civil Rights advocacy group would lend a hand to speak with the authorities or translate and deliver a letter. Some community leaders said the only thing to do is organize major media.

    The family believes that Israel is not a sufficiently civilized country for them to be in at this time.

  6. What world are we living in? This is sick. Israel had better get their act together. Somebody should send a harsh letter to Netanyahu and ask him to give answers. This incident is not a first, it has happened far to often.

  7. we are the ones who took the picture of the arabs. b”H French Hill has a growing young frum community.
    The arabs come in from a neighboring village to use our park since they destroyed their own parks built by the city.

    We are now petitioning the mayor to close the joining road between French Hill and the arab village to keep them out.

    If anyone has any connections or ideas how to help please email me
    [email protected]

  8. and the police who had the idea in the first place to accuse the jewish father is an arab himself. it’s just an arab police helping an arab kid to fight against the jews.

  9. Don’t bother going to the authorities. They are interested in anything that will destabilize the religious jewish community, in this case by intermarriage.

  10. Have the unfortunate fathers been cleared of all accusations yet? Did the police ever apologize for their misconduct? Is “false arrest” even a crime in Israel?

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