PHOTOS: Thousands of Yungerleit Gather in Bnei Brak For Historic Chizzuk Event


Last week, a massive chizzuk event took place in Bnei Brak, as over  2,000 yungerleit filed into the elegant Armanot Chen hall. The gathering was reportedly on behalf of the National Network Kollel of Yissachar B’Ohalecha, which has multiple branches throughout Israel.
In honor of the first day of the summer zman, bochurim & avreichim of all ages gathered for an evening of inspiration and words of Torah. Tehillim was said by Hagaon HaTzaddik Rav Dan Segal shlit”a.

Shortly afterward, Maran Sar HaTorah Rav Chaim Kanievsky shlit”a, Maran Rosh Yeshiva of Ponevezh Rav Gershon Edelstein shlit”a, and Maran Rosh Yeshiva of Slobodka Rav Dov Landau shlit”a entered the hall. In the presence of talmidei chachamim of such tremendous stature, a silence fell over the well-populated room.

Rav Edelstein reportedly spoke of the importance of learning Torah, and the incredible zechus of fulfilling the mitzvah on which the world stands. Rav Dov Landau is quoted as having said that it is ‘pashut that this is the most important thing to do in life.’

It was truly a powerful and enriching experience for all involved.

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