YWN Wishes All A Gut Yom Tov!

Whether you will be traveling, at home, with family or with friends; YWN would like to wish all of our devoted readers and advertisers, a wonderful Yom Tov of Kabolas Hatorah.

NOTE: (NYC) Alternate Side Parking regulations will be suspended on Sunday and Monday, May 28-29 for Shavuos. Because Monday is a major legal holiday (Memorial Day), parking meter regulations also are suspended.

IMPORTANT NOTE FOR ENTIRE NYC / 5 BOROS: Misaskim has made arrangements with a non-Jew to work with them regarding any incidents of Kovod Hames. Chas Vishalaom if a person is Niftar on Yom Tov, and there is a possibility of an autopsy about to take place, or any other urgent legal matter, please call the Misaskim 24hr hotline number 718-854-4548 and it will be answered. Please note, this arrangement is for Kavod Hames related emergencies ONLY.

ALERT: Shomrim have asked YWN to post the following request: KNOW WHERE YOUR CHILDREN ARE SHAVUOS NIGHT!

–YWN Admin

4 Responses

  1. It’s sad that such a comment has to come from “shomrim” one would think that knowing where their children are on shavous night is just plain parental obligation and correct chinuch what a crazy world we live in that we need to be reminded from “shomrim” not to let our kids just hang out in the streets running around playing ball or whatever else instead of sending them to learn or maybe even to sleep on shavous night

  2. On the contrary, it’s a crazy world where parents feel the need to know exactly where their children are at all times. The world is no more dangerous than it was 40 years ago when parents routinely sent their kids out to play all day; when a kid could tell his mother that he was going out on his bike and she wouldn’t begin to worry until dinner time. What’s changed is not the objective reality but parents’ paranoia.

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