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No Remorse for Yad Vashem Attack but An Apology to the Victims

Elchanan Ostrowitz is not expressing remorse for the graffiti price tag attack against Yad Vashem, as was reported by YWN-ISRAEL.

Defense attorney Yair Nehorai appealed on behalf of his client to the Jerusalem District Court to have his client released on bail to house arrest after the magistrate’s court rejected the request.

Ostrowitz reportedly explained he had absolutely no intention of blemishing the memory of the Kedoshim of the Holocaust HY”D, as well as not wishing to cause anguish to the survivors, but he felt compelled to protest against those who capitalize on those horrific events to achieve their goal of establishing a government and rule at any cost.

Ostrowitz apologized to the Kedoshim and the survivors for causing any anguish or tarnishing their memory, explaining he is a descendent of a survivor and many of his grandparents and family members of that generation were murdered HY”D but he is not sorry for the words written including “Hitler, thanks for the Holocaust”, “The State of Israel – The spiritual Auschwitz of Mizrachi yiddishkheit”, “Jews awaken, the Zionist regime is not protecting us but hurting us”, The Zionist leaders wanted the holocaust” and “If there was no Holocaust the Zionists would have invented it”.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

4 Responses

  1. I notice he’s still living in E”Y, so I guess he doesn’t hate it enough to leave. The judge should give him a choice – two years in the IDF, or find somewhere else to live. It’s not like he’s contributing anything anyway.

  2. #2, Of course he doesn’t hate Eretz Yisroel. Why would you suggest such a thing? Eretz Yisroel is the home of every Jew. He’s against the medinah, as almost every posek and godol hatorah was before it became a fait accompli. Why should being against the zionist heresy mean that he should leave EY?

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