TEHILLIM – Vishnitzer Rebbe of Monsey Placed On Respirator; Critical Condition

Please be Mispallel for the Vishnitzer Rebbe of Monsey, who was placed on a respirator on Shabbos afternoon.

As YWN reported on Friday, the Rebbe was not been feeling well the past few days, and was complaining of general weakness. He was taken to Good Samaratain Hospital near Monsey on Thursday morning, and transferred to Mount Sinai Hospital in Manhattan on Thursday night.

Sources tell YWN that on Friday night and Shabbos morning the Rebbe was feeling better and was stable. Unfortunately, on Shabbos afternoon the situation worsened and the Rebbe was placed on a respirator.

The Rebbe, Hagaon HaRav Mordechai Hager Shlita, is the elder of the admorim today.

The Rebbe, who is around 95-years-old, is known for his devotion to learning Torah: He learns around 18 hours a day and asks his Chasidim to study at least two hours every day.

He has thousands of Chassidim around the globe.

Please be Mispallel for Mordechai ben Margulia.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

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