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‘Tov’ Breaks from Beit Shemesh Coalition

The Tov Party, known by some as the “new chareidim”, has opted to break from the coalition in Beit Shemesh, entering the opposition just under three years after entering the coalition.

Councilman Eli Friedman sent his letter of resignation to Beit Shemesh Mayor Moshe Abutbul informing him of the party’s decision. “We were there to serve the people, not the establishment” he wrote.

Speaking to Chadrei Chareidim, Friedman tried explaining the reason, the events that compelled his decision. He explained that Tov flies the banner of education and improving the city, a higher quality of life for residents. He adds that they signaled a desire to leave the coalition ten months earlier, at which time the mayor began negotiations “but in his usual manner, he was buying time”.

Tov has also worked hard to assist the youth that has strayed from the derech, those at risk, but once again, not receiving what it feels is appropriate cooperation from the mayor.

Friedman explains the party’s demands regarding quality of life improvements were clear, citing there are still children remaining at home since they do not have a school to attend. “The mayor is unwilling to take the pressure required to resolve this and other issues. Some time ago we already called for a vaad rabbonim to address this matter but nothing happened,” Friedman explained.

Friedman explained that the time has come to pull out of the coalition since it was clear the mayor was being less than sincere.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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