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Israel: Confusion of Bodies Detected Ahead of Kvura

This latest case occurs in a funeral home unlike another recent case which occurred in the beis hachaim moments before kvura.

In this case a request was made to remove “number 7” from the morgue in Rambam Medical Center in Haifa but it appears the attendant pulled “number 17” and no one checked the identity of the niftar as required. Only after the body arrived in the funeral home was the error realized as officials checked the name on the body, which was not that of the deceased scheduled for kvura.

Official notification was filed with the Ministry of Health which is launching an investigation into the blunder.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

One Response

  1. I’m not sure why there was any issue here. The system of checking and double checking worked and the mistake was recognized quickly and corrected. Considering the large number of burials handled each week and the de minimus number of times such intial errors occur, those who operate the morgues and funeral homes should be commended.

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