New York Plans 360 Stations For Electric, Hybrid Cars

ecThe Cuomo administration says some 360 charging stations for electric vehicles and plug-in hybrids will be installed across the state as part of a five-year initiative to expand their use.

The goal is a statewide network of up to 3,000 public and workplace charging stations.

Officials hope to get 40,000 plug-in vehicles on the road as fuel-efficient alternatives.

The New York Power Authority this week requested bids for installing 100 charging stations at 36 locations for public use, including transportation hubs and other public and private parking lots, primarily in the Metropolitan New York City area. They are expected to be operating by 2014.

The New York State Energy Research and Development Authority awarded $3.6 million to 14 organizations to install more than 260 stations from Long Island to Buffalo.


4 Responses

  1. “Government’s view of the economy could be summed up in a few short phrases: If it moves, tax it. If it keeps moving, regulate it. And if it stops moving, subsidize it.” – Ronald Reagan

  2. Why not let the private sector provide them, at its own expense. Do taxpayers need to subsidize gas stations. The Democrats (party of Hikind and Greenfield) are solidly behind taking money from the taxpayers and giving it to well connected businesses through subsidies and bailouts.

  3. “well connected businesses through subsidies and bailouts”

    Indeed Yeshiva World News frequently runs stories about how Hikind and Greenfield help frum businesses and social service agencies with government money, to the unanimous applause of commenters.

    If plug-in hybrids do become common, it will be of incredible value to the Jewish people because it will deny the Arab and Venezuelan rashaim their oil revenues. Take off your blinders and see the light!

  4. charliehall,

    If shmiff biff!!!
    If nothing!! GM couldn’t sell a blasted electric car so WE THE PEOPLE had to pay for thousands of glorified lawnmowers to take them off GM’s hands.

    We have more gas & oil within our borders than the Saudis do but due to the uber leftist envirowackos out these, like you, we can’t go and get it.

    No wonder the sign for your party is what it is!

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