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MAZEL TOV! Bochur in Morristown Yeshiva Finishes Entire Shas [PHOTOS]

After many years of diligent studying, Ephraim Lerner, a talmid at Morristown’s Yeshivas Tomchei Temimim in New Jersey, completed the study of the entire shas at a grand siyum celebration on Monday, Adar 25, with 300 friends, classmates, shluchim, yeshivah staff and family in attendance.

Speakers at the siyum included Rabbi Chaim Schapiro, the menahel of the yeshivah, and Rabbi Moshe Herson, head shliach of New Jersey. They both spoke of a letter from the Lubavitcher Rebbe ZATZAL where he wrote about celebrating such an accomplishment with joy.

The highlight of the evening was when Ephraim’s grandfather, Reb Chaim Lerner, who flew in from Las Vegas to attend the event, presented Rabbi Herson with a dollar he had received from the Lubavitcher Rebbe. Ephraim’s grandfather related that when Ephraim’s father was studying in the same yeshiva in Morristown, the Rebbe gave him a dollar for the continued success of his learning.

The siyum concluded with spontaneous dancing after Ephraim repeated a hadran of the Rebbe and a meaningful farbrengen with Ephraim’s uncle, Rabbi Eli Cohen, a shliach in Toronto, which lasted late into the night.

The significance of the date, marking the 118th birthday of Rebbetzin Chaya Mushka and a few weeks before the Rebbe’s birthday, lent an added spirit to the occasion.

4 Responses

  1. Why is such an accomplishment celebrated at a Chabad Yeshiva? I always heard they don’t learn Gemara in Chabad, just Tanya.

  2. Sechel, you joking right? They learn the same amount Gemoro as any Yeshiva. The Seder Chasidus is in ADDITION to the regular Seser Gemoro.

  3. Usually these undertakings are not celebrated in Chabad yeshivos since the bochurim aren’t so snobbish about them and aren’t so gaavedig enough to make news over them…

    I personally know bochurim from Chabad yeshivos in Israel who have finished the Shas, and two other bochurim who are so fluent in the Torah they learned that they can break down a complicated Tosfos which they learned 5 years ago as if they learned it an hour ago–and they know quite a bunch of information by heart (I approached them several times with questions from Gemara and they were able to explain Rashi/Tosfos as if they learned it that day…)

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