Druse Community Wants Family Reunification

golan.jpgIsrael annexed the Golan Heights which was liberated in the June 1967 Six Day War 32 years ago, sending a clear message to the international community. Until this very day, even the US, Israel’s staunchest ally has not recognized the act and it and others view the Golan Heights as “Israeli occupied”. Counted among them is the Druse community that lives in the Golan Heights, which announced back then that it does not recognize Israeli sovereignty and it remains loyal to Syria.

Back to current events and the ongoing Syrian civil war, Druse leaders are concerned and this concern has prompted new realities. Druse leaders contacted the Prime Minister’s Office for a meeting, and last Thursday, 12 Tammuz 5773, PMO Director-General Harel Locker met with Druse leaders including Sheikh Taher Abu Salah.

While the Druse residents are citizens and many serve in the IDF, there has always been a conflict of loyalties between Israel and Syria. However, today, Druse officials are seeking family unification, seeking to bring family members trapped in the civil war, to Israel. The sheikh, the highest Druse spiritual leader, is asking to permit the family members to return to the Israeli controlled Golan Heights. About 100 Druse officials took part in the meeting as did Eli Malka, who heads the Golan Heights Regional Council.

In the request given to Locker they also ask to permit students who once upon a time lived in the Golan Heights and opted to study in Syria to return to Israel, since now they are trapped in the civil war. Under Israeli law, after studying in Syria for a number of years they are not permitted to return. According to a Maariv report, the request involves a maximum of 20 families.

However, in addition to the letter, the sheikh made a verbal request, to permit reuniting families back to 1967. This would involve Druse community members who served in the Syrian Army and fought against the IDF.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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