Jewish Press Editorial Slams Lhota For Calling Upon Speaker Silver To Resign

lhotaThe Jewish Press editorial slammed Republican mayoral hopeful Joseph Lhota, in this week’s print edition, for calling on Speaker Shelly Silver to resign from his post due to the Vito Lopez scandal.”To our mind Mr. Lhota’s injecting the Lopez Assembly controversy into the mayoral race, something that has scant relevance to anything in his campaign platform, is a transparent effort at jump-starting what has otherwise been a lackluster campaign by securing some name recognition and perhaps whipping up some financial support,” The Jewish Press writes.

In defending Mr. Silver in his current position, the Jewish Press accused the Republican mayoral candidate of attacking the Jewish community’s greatest leader of all times. “It should be noted that Mr. Lhota’s remarks were directed at someone who has long been the single most productive elected official in the country in terms of laws enacted to protect the rights of Jews as a minority group,” the editorial noted.

“In addition, Mr. Silver enjoys nearly unanimous support on the issue from the members of the Assembly Democratic caucus – including its female contingent, which has pressed for many women’s rights initiatives. Indeed, Mr. Silver himself has long been key to many of the achievements in this area.”

“There is another very current issue on the state level if Mr. Lhota is truly searching for a state issue to address. As we discussed last week, the Assembly had passed a bill sponsored by Speaker Silver that prohibits domestic insurers from including on their financial statements investments in companies that engage in investment activities in Iran. State insurance regulators rely on such financial statements to determine whether a company is solvent and able to pay claims.”

“Mr. Silver has said his bill addresses a concern that investments in Iran are not financially sound given the political turmoil there. Yet he also noted that he hopes this legislation would further encourage divestment in Iran in tandem with federal legislation. This is certainly something our community, along with most New Yorkers, is interested in. Sadly, the Republican majority leader of the State Senate, Dean Skelos, did not even allow Silver’s bill to be voted on before the legislature adjourned last Friday.”

In conclusion, the editorial called out Mr. Lhota and the Republican party leadership in general for appalling the Jewish community in New York City. “Rather than commenting on this clear failure on Senator Skelos’s part, Mr. Lhota chose to challenge Speaker Silver over the Lopez affair.Come election time, our community should not forget Mr. Lhota’s priorities.”

(Jacob Kornbluh – YWN)

2 Responses

  1. The Jewish Press is playing the anti-Semite card again without merit. Firstly, Joe Lhota is as Jewish as is Sheldon Silver (as per Talmudic Law). Secondly, Joe Lhota’s priorities will be remembered and compared too Speaker Silver’s. Mr. Lhota promises to promote and achieve school choice while Mr. Silver repeatedly points to the Blaine Amendment (Indiana courts ruled that funding for religious institutions is permitted under Blaine) while he pursued toeiva.

    Joe Lhota is absolutely correct about Speaker Silver. I’m a proud Jew and I will vote for Joe Lhota – the next Jewish mayor – for mayor!

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