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Mayor Bloomberg to Obese New Yorkers Take the Stairs

bloomAfter nudging New Yorkers to stop smoking and cut out large sodas, Mayor Bloomberg now want them to move more.

Bloomberg detailed various steps Wednesday to promote a concept called “active design.”

It means shaping a building’s environment to encourage physical activity. That can include making stairways more welcoming or sidewalks more inviting.

Bloomberg’s plans include seeking to change the building code to allow limited use of devices that keep stairwell doors open, except in emergencies.

The mayor also wants to require new buildings and major renovations to include at least one continuous stairway open for non-emergency use. A continuous stairway has flights right above each other, rather than stairs in one area on some floors and elsewhere on others.

There could be some exemptions for security.


8 Responses

  1. Mr bloomberg please put your money where your mouth is. If you care about people’s health why do you close fdny stations? this is much more impotent it’s life and death issues.

  2. Its interesting that the Chazal did not know that being obese is unhealthy.
    The Chazal knew everything, what Hashem spoke to Moshe on the mountain, exactly the future conversation between Hashem and the Moshiach, what goes on in Oilom Ho’elion; But yet they did not know that obesity is unhealthy.

  3. If Bloomberg is so worried about obesity, why then are you allowed to get soda and cookies on food stamps? Also it’s tax payers money being used for food stamps- then tax payers money used for the same people when they get sick. Bloomberg is so backwards. It’s so sad. New York is so corrupt.

  4. Sorry Mr. Mayor, but, you’re never gonna get anyone in shape. I know because no one can make me do anything unless I myself am motivated to do so and I’m not just talking about myself.It’s human nature. So taking away soda, cigarettes etc. and telling people to take the stairs, just won’t do the trick. Maybe if you offer people a nice monetary incentive from some of your millions, that would do it.

  5. The end of this guys run as Mayor can’t come fast enough. Lets hope the next one doesn’t try to nanny us again.

  6. According to your logic, Chazal did not know smoking or bungee jumping are unhealthy. But the Torah covers it all with “v’nishmartem m’ode l’nafshosechem”.

  7. #1, Did you read the article incorrectly. Bloomberg says to take the stairs not the elevators. Stairs are built specifically BECAUSE of fire safety laws

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