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CHOSEN: Rabbis Yitzchak Yosef & Rabbi David Lau Elected as Israel’s New Chief Rabbis

imageIsrael has new chief rabbis. Just moments ago, the official results of the election for Chief Rabbis of Israel were announced. Rabbi David Lau is the new Ashkenazi Chief Rabbi and Rabbi Yitzchak Yosef is the new Rishon L’Tzion.

147 of the 150 eligible voters turned out in the Jerusalem Leonardo Plaza Hotel to cast their ballots. The election began at 15:00 and closed three hours later. The voters were instructed to remain in the capital in the event of a runoff or a technical problem that would compel a second vote to complete the process today, Wednesday, 17 Menachem Av 5773.

The votes received by each candidate at follows:
Rabbi Yitzchak Yosef- 68
Rabbi Shmuel Eliyahu – 49
Rabbi Tzion Boaron – 28
(Does not add up to 147 but this is what was announced. It appears two people only voted only voted for Ashkenazi Chief Rabbi). 

Rabbi Lau – 68
Rabbi David Stav – 54
Rabbi Yaakov Shapira – 25

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

26 Responses

  1. Mazal tov to these Rabbis. Obviously people prefer real Rabbis who follow halachah properly over those who would bend halachah to the will of the people. That’s why Stav (who automatically got 15 votes from Bennett’s women) still lost.

  2. I’m not sure who is or would have been the best choice. However, the ones picked are the ones that Hashem wanted. However, the tone of the comments on this site seem to show a lot of negativity. Rather than call someone a rasha or that this one is bad, let’s try and look at the good. It’s easy to be a coward and hide behind a screen handle and flame someone. But, remember Hashem is watching. No matter how much of a pious person you might think you are, there is no excuse for the vitriol, mean and downright despicable comments.

  3. Will they do anything about the corruption in the Rabbinate?

    The corruption is so well known that they had to push to defeat a bill that would have allowed anyone to go to any city to get married in the expectation of finding a lenient (corrupt) Rabbi.

    If corruption was not a problem it wouldn’t have mattered as to which Rabbi was used.

  4. הרבנים החרדים הראשיים הנבחרים. זה נקמה מתוקה מדבש על כל ההתנהגות של הבית היהודי, שבועטים בקב”ה כל יום. איזה תענוג לראות את כל החזירים של “בנט” ו”הבית היהודי” אוכלים עכשיו את´לב

  5. So much for “not getting involved”, Not Getting Involved! Even if you knew more Torah and/or were a bigger Tzadik than Rav Stav you would not be allowed to disrespect him so egregiously.

    And #11, can you read? I would bet that more than half the comments on YWN are negative.

  6. This fellow Bennet is waging a war on hashem and hus torah yes we must understand the victory today, it shows that this person while I hope he does Teshuvah is starting to head down….. b”h

  7. Wow, maybe now there will be quiet for a while on this front amidst all the other buffoonery presently occurring in this lopsided country. On second thought…

  8. It is rather fun to see far right chareidim be so joyous in the election of an Israeli Chief Rabbi- an institution that the Brisker Rov zz’l said was avodah zoroh! Guys, make up your minds? Do you respect your leaders or do you follow the footsteps of Rav kook zz’l and Ran Herzog zz’l?

  9. While these are not the candidates I would have chosen (I preferred Rav Eliahu and Rav Shapira), I accept the results and wish them much Hatzlacha in their new roles. May they be Mekayim “Yelchu mChayil el Chayil, yera’e Elokim B’TZION.

    May they also be able to be mekayim the next line in that Gemara at the end of Berachos – “Talmidei Chachamim hevei marbim SHALOM BaOlam”.

    The election is over; it’s time to move forward. Let us hope that they can be a source of much inspiration for the Am Hashem Hayoshev b’Tzion.

    an Israeli Yid

  10. Rabbi of Berlin says the truth once again! As someone once said “the times are a’changing”…who knows where they will take us!

  11. It appears that this was a coalition of Chareidim and Chilonim, two peoples who know share an opinion of what a Rabbi should look like. One listens to the Rabbi and the other does not. But the Rabbi that the Chiloni does not wAnt to listen to is the Chareidi. For the dati leumi Rabbi he has no use for at all!

  12. Both had 68 votes. Gematria of the word CHACHAM – wise. May HKBH truly give them wisdom for this most noble of tasks!

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