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CD48 – Cooperative Community Organization Endorses Kagan Following Candidate Forum

In the race for City Council in the 48th District (Brighton Beach, Sheepshead Bay, Manhattan Beach, Midwood, Homecrest, Brightwater, Trump Village, Luna Park) The Cooperative Community Organization has endorsed Ari Kagan. Kagan gave a commanding performance at a debate hosted by the organization on Sunday afternoon, demonstrating an understanding of the issues facing cooperative shareholders, and a willingness to strongly advocate on their behalf. Approximately 1.2 million New Yorkers live in cooperative housing.

Kagan told the audience that as a member of the City Council, he would introduce a Co-op Shareholders Bill of Rights – similar to the Patient’s Bill of Rights – to ensure shareholders are protected against predatory co-op boards, and spoke of the importance of enforcing existing laws that protect shareholders. Kagan proposed using the Human Rights Commission to investigate discrimination in co-ops, and called for creating a special division in the Housing Courts to deal specifically with complaints from shareholders.

After the debate, Alex Litvak, President of the Cooperative Community Organization, announced that they would be supporting Kagan’s candidacy. “Of all the candidates in this race, only Ari Kagan has a track record of fighting for shareholders, and a vision to protect the rights of those of us who live in cooperative housing,” said Litvak. “It is our pleasure to endorse him in this race, and I am confident he will be a strong voice for shareholders in City Hall.”

“Shareholders rights are too often ignored by many co-op boards in our district,” said Kagan. “Thousands of shareholders in our district are paying staggering maintenance fees every month, while many co-op boards and sponsors have one sentence By-Laws – ‘no questions asked!’ Board finances must be made more transparent, and elections must be democratic. It is an honor to have the support of the Cooperative Community Organization, and I look forward to continuing to work with them on behalf of shareholders throughout the city.”

(YWN Newsdesk)

2 Responses

  1. Chaim Deutsch is the only candidate voters in CD48 should be voting for as he helped bring thousands of sandwiches of food to Hurricane Sandy victims, was involved along with Helene Weinstein in getting ConEd to turn the electric back on as fast as they did the night after Sandy when they turned the electric off & always helps anyone in need.

  2. That’s great! You would have a councilman who might know something about cooperative shareholders. How about all issues that arise in the council chambers that calls for a well- rounded councilman who is capable of Multi -tasking. My vote is going to the candidate whose track record proves that he can deal with anything that’s thrown in his direction. Chaim Deutsch is a proven winner! He has my vote.

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