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VIDEO & PHOTOS: Guidance for Turbulent Times from Maran Harav Shteinman shlit”a


Threatening world events loom large…illnesses strike lo aleinu without warning….financial woes multiply…wild weather kicks up storm after storm… What is it that Hakadosh Baruch Hu is trying to tell us? How are we to make sense of the times and cope with insecurity?

As believing Jews, we know that, along with the messages that Hashem sends us, He also provides us with the means to interpret the messages correctly: our gedolim. It is our gedolei hador who are madrich us in this oftentimes scary world in which we live; it is they who give us the necessary chizuk and encouragement to pick ourselves up and continue to march forward, even after the occurrence of a devastating terrorist attack or other tragedy, Rachmana litzlan.

Maran Harav Aharon Yehuda Leib Shteinman shlit”a is one of these gedolei hador, and the chizuk and hadrachah that he gives so selflessly to Klal Yisrael are the vital oxygen that we need in order to survive and thrive as Torah Jews in our times. In the first-ever book of his shmuessen, in English, Leading with Love, we are provided with the instructive and encouraging words, the pure, unadulterated daas Torah, of this great Torah leader, on a variety of subjects.

Maran Harav Shteinman shlit”a is a gadol hador of rare proportions. He is rosh yeshivah of four different yeshivos, runs a vast network of kollelim for married students, is immersed in klal work and leadership of the chareidi public in Israel at all times, and is sought after by people knocking on his door at any time of the day and night. Yet Rav Shteinman makes it a priority, and it is one of his overriding concerns, to give chizuk to his fellow Jews. That is why, at an already advanced age, Rav Shteinman packed his bags and traveled to the far-flung corners of the earth, on multiple occasions, for the express purpose of being “mechazek Yidden,” encouraging and uplifting Jews of all types in their avodas Hashem.

This book, the first of a planned series in English, takes the Rosh Yeshiva’s mission to a whole new level.  For years, the Rosh Yeshivah’s talks, letters, and written works have been transcribed and published in Hebrew in the form of small kuntreisim. Now, English speakers throughout the world will have access to Rav Shteinman’s careful, Torah-based guidance on many fundamental topics, including emunah ba’Hashem, the supremacy of Torah learning, the responsibilities of a ben Torah, and the Jewish home, to name but a few. Readers of all backgrounds will draw tremendous inspiration from the Rosh Yeshivah’s viewpoints, set forth clearly and unambiguously—as he had originally stated them—but with his unmistakable warmth and love flowing through each and every word.

The following are some excerpts from inside this sefer:

It is well known that many people who had weak learning skills, yet toiled in their Torah learning, became great talmidei chachamim. So, stay strong, and keep on toiling in your learning and studying with diligence. Over the course of time, you will see wonders!

The Jewish woman takes the greatest share in the details of the home. She must realize that it makes all the difference if the home is run on the basis of modesty or luxury. The latter depletes the homeowner and causes all sorts of problems. If all kinds of unnecessary extras are put in, the house can be very problematic indeed.

It is no secret that there are many young men, and many more young women, who have not yet merited finding their mates. Often, it is a parent who unjustifiably dismisses any shidduch suggestion presented to him or her for a child. This causes their child the terrible pain of remaining unmarried.

You may be wondering what is the main point that you, as a teacher, must stress to your students. The answer is that, first and foremost, every single lesson you give should have in it an emphasis on yiras Shamayim.

Leading with Love is a book that belongs in the home of every Torah Jew striving to follow the dictates of our gedolim, in an effort to serve Hashem properly and gain His Heavenly protection. It is a book that will inspire you, and cause you to reach for spiritual heights you never thought you’d achieve. If you want guidance and chizuk from one of the premier leaders of today’s generation, this book is for you!

The book is available via Israel Book Shop.

YWN PHOTO LINK: Click HERE for the photos.
Photo Credits: Jonathan Hanig –

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(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

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