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House Majority Leader, Eric Cantor Attacks de Blasio For ‘Maligning Success’

ecanAt an appearance at 92Y, Sunday evening, House majority leader Eric Cantor commented on the NYC mayoral race. Mr. Cantor explained the GOP strategy of giving people the skills they need to pick themselves up by the bootstraps in contrary with the Democrats who attack success.

“There is a difference with the other side. The other side doesn’t necessarily believe that all that is right,” said Mr. Cantor. “Because as we’ve seen in the mayoral elections in this city, I’m watching from afar, but I’ve watched what’s been going on in the primary here, and unfortunately the maligning of success, saying that those people at the top of the ladder somehow are just bad people. And somehow have made too much at the expense of those at the bottom. And the primary contenders say that somehow government should step in, take from those at the top, give to those at the bottom so everybody meets in the middle. We don’t believe that. We believe it’s about upward mobility, and the ability to rise.”

Watch Mr. Cantor’s remarks (starting minute 49:20)

One Response

  1. IF the Republicans had their way, there would be massive unemployment among social workers and people who hand out unemployment checks. Employment is good for the employee, but lousy for the thousands of people who make money out of other people being unemployed. The Democrats get a log of support for the people who profit from unemployment, so of course they oppose Cantor’s ideas for getting more people employed.

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