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Joe Lhota Releases Comprehensive Policy Book Titled: “Five Boroughs, One City”

Joe-Lhota_Often criticized for lacking the substance on the trail, Republican Mayoral candidate Joe Lhota today released a comprehensive policy book outlining his vision for a stronger economy, improved public education system and enhanced quality of life initiatives that will lead New York City forward.

The book, entitled “Five Boroughs, One City: Moving Forward” outlines several proposals in the areas of job creation, education reform, sustainability, public safety and the environment, among others.

Read the entire 22-page booklet here:

Joe Lhota Policy Book

“This book provides a framework on how I will strengthen and improve the city for the next generation,” said Mr. Lhota. “These are ideas I have been talking about in all five boroughs throughout the campaign and many of the proposals are a result of listening to the communities about the challenges they are facing. It’s critical to have a dialogue with the public about how we can improve city government and make it work better for people. The issues of job creation, education reform and quality of life initiatives are all interconnected and this book lays out a very clear vision about how we can make strides in all of these areas. I encourage all New Yorkers to read the book.”

(Jacob Kornbluh – YWN)

One Response

  1. Necessary, but not sufficient.

    Tis is an election, not a debating contest. Most voters have neither the time nor the patience to read a long document.

    The election wil be won or lost on visuals and soundbites.

    Mr. deBlasio is over 6 feet tall. His son is black, with an Afro haircut.

    Mr. Lhota is a bald white person, not especially tall.

    He is a “Technocrat” who speaks what sounds like Gobbledygook to most New Yorkers. He doesn’t seem to be able to connect with the “man on the street.”

    deBlasio, like Obama is an experienced, street-saavy Alynskyite radical. He uses a “brass knuckles” approach to politics.

    If Lhota wants to win this thing, he’d better find himself some “togh guys” who have “street smarts.”

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