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Israel: 10,000s of Job Hang in the Balance Due to Defense Cuts

lapThe defense establishment in Israel is faced with reckoning unprecedented cuts in spending but those responsible for the nation’s security and development of future weaponry systems have not given up. Officials plan to meet with Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu to present the hard facts – to paint the bleak picture of what the cabinet’s decision will mean for the IDF and defense establishment industries. Officials will explain to Mr. Netanyahu that the ordered cuts in spending will lead to “tens of thousands” of IDF career personnel and defense industries personnel to lose their jobs. The experts add these cuts will begin as soon as the end of the 2013 calendar year.

The experts hope to enlighten the eyes of decision-makers, for they feel that cuts ordered are 3.5 billion NIS more than the minimum acceptable operating budget if the nation is to maintain its necessary defense and weapons development standing.

Officials believe most of the nation simply does not understand the ramifications of the cuts ordered, citing an example – the Merkava tank’s continued development. The experts add that if the cuts stand as they are today, invitations to 200 companies regarding this project alone will be canceled due to a lack of manpower.

Defense establishment officials hope to persuade the prime minister that they are not exaggerating and the budgetary decree will lead to the dismissal of 5,000 career IDF personnel. They will be replaced by 1,000 new career personnel, primarily from logistics and armored branches that are due to shut down, leaving a hole in many services with 4,000 less employees.

Treasury officials led by Finance Minister Yair Lapid announce the cabinet has decided and the budget will remain as it stands today. Defense Ministry officials explain that today, they are short 7 billion NIS, and the major portion, 4.5 billion NIS is not the result of budgetary cuts, but primarily due to industry increases and other factors out of the defense establishment’s control. Officials warn that despite all the firings and efforts to implement extreme austerity, a major budgetary gap will remain, one that may very well result in compromising the entire defense establishment.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

One Response

  1. Defense budget cut, 5,000 IDF personnel dismissed but thousands of charedim must be forced to join the IDF just so that they’ll be able to force them to eat treif and cut their beard and peyot off as was done just last week to at least one charedi yeshiva boy.

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