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Eli Cohen Challenges Beit Shemesh Election Results

abutbulThe losing candidate in the Beit Shemesh mayoral race, Eli Cohen, has filed with the Jerusalem District Court challenging the outcome of the election.

Cohen, the Likud candidate, lost to the incumbent Shas Mayor Rabbi Moshe Abutbul. Cohen lost by less than 1,000 votes and feels the illegal election-related activities in the city uncovered by police provides him with sufficient cause to challenge the outcome of the election.

Double voting and forged identity cards Cohen feels are enough to warrant another round of elections and he is turning to the court to disqualify the results of the mayoral race in the hope of compelling new elections.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

4 Responses

  1. There’s no way that a yrei shamayim mayor like Rabbi Moshe Abutbul, or any of the frum people that work for him and support him would have resorted to dirty cheating to win this election. Of course these ehrlich yiddin would never have done anything like that. I don’t understand why people are making these terrible accusations.

  2. #1 – People are making these accusations based on hard evidence, it could very well be that Abutbul was not involved and that it was others who lacked bitachon in his success.
    But in the end who did it is less relevant than the fact that it happened and that new elections should be held.
    If Abutbuls’ support is as broad as he claims then he has nothing to fear and will win in an honest election, if it isn’t then he has no business being mayor even now.

  3. #1- A mere 50 years ago your statement would have been taken at face value – and everyone would have agreed with it. The appalling thing is that everyone who reads those words today knows that they must have been said in (bitter) jest.

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