Important Tips for Those Who Drink on Purim


It is worth knowing that hangovers can be avoided. With a little knowledge and care, you can still get drunk to the point of “ad delo yada” without suffering from it afterwards.

The following directions can prevent or reduce the unpleasant side effects of drinking. They are based on reliable medical sources, and have been proven in practice.

If you don’t feel well, do not drink. Alcohol interferes with the immune system, and drinking can inhibit the body from healing itself properly.

Before drinking:

1. Eat a lot. Fatty foods (or foods mixed with olive oil), fried foods and starchy foods (made of flour, potatoes, rice, etc.) are especially good.

2. Eat burnt toast. The carbon in it aids greatly in the digestion of alcohol.

3. Drink water or other non-alcoholic beverages, especially those containing vitamins. Taking a multi-vitamin is also a good idea.

Though eating may slow the effect of the alcohol, it will not prevent intoxication. Drinking and eating will prevent dehydration, and help the body absorb the alcohol properly, preventing feelings of nausea.

While drinking:

1. Cheap alcoholic drinks are harder on the body, so don’t drink junk. Light-colored drinks and those with no sugar added are also better for you.

2. Stick to one type of drink. Only drink beverages derived from the same source of alcohol (e.g. grape, grain or other fruits). Definitely do not drink wine after beer.

3. Don’t drink too much too fast. You should wait at least half an hour between drinks. (One drink = one glass of wine or one shot of whisky).

Waiting will not prevent your intoxication.

4. Accompany your alcoholic drinking with more food and non-alcoholic beverages (burnt toast is particularly helpful). It is best to drink at least one light beverage with every alcoholic drink you have.

5. Don’t drink carbonated beverages. They complicate the absorption of the alcohol.

6. It is advisable to avoid caffeinated beverages like cola, coffee, or tea.

If you start feeling nauseous, stop drinking alcohol, drink lots of water, and eat starchy foods. The food will absorb the toxins of the alcohol-not eating is a big mistake.

After drinking:

It is important to help the body continue to digest the alcohol within it, and to replenish its store of vitamins. Therefore you should continue drinking water and other beverages containing salt, sugar, and vitamins (especially vitamin C and potassium). You may also want to take a multi-vitamin.

If you don’t feel well the next morning, have eggs (cooked are better than fried) with burnt toast and a banana. These foods contain the nutrition that the body needs to rehabilitate itself. You can also aid the process by drinking water and resting up well.

A freilichen Purim.

2 Responses

  1. Haman and Mordechai – that’s tricky. To save money and reduce the risk of alcohol poisoning, perhaps we can settle on determining the difference between Yair Lapid and Naftali Bennett? For those more makpid, go for Bibi and Buji?

  2. 30 Days Before Pesach.
    I had 12 bottles of whiskey in my cellar and I was instructed by my wife to empty each and every bottle down the drain, so I proceeded with the task.
    I withdrew the cork from the first bottle and poured the contents down the sink, with the exception of one glass which I drank. I extracted the cork from the second bottle and did likewise, with the exception of one glass which I drank. I then poured the contents down the sink, with the exception of one glass which I drank.
    I then pulled the cork from the fourth sink, poured the bottles down the glass, which I drank. I pulled the bottle from the cork of the next, and drank one sink out of it and threw the rest down the glass. I pulled the sink out of the glass and poured the cork from the bottle. Then I corked the sink with the glass, bottled the drink and drank the pour.
    When I had everything emptied, I steadied the house with one hand, counted the bottles, corks, glasses and sinks with the other, which were 29 and put the house in the bottle, which I drank.
    I’m not under the affluence of incahol, but thinkle peep I am. I’m not half as thunk as you might drink. I fool so feelish I don’t know who is me, and the drunker I stand here the longer I get!!!

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