Daughter Of Maran Rav Ovadia Selected as an Israel Prize Recipient

absMrs. Adina Bar-Shalom, a daughter of Maran HaGaon HaRav Ovadia Yosef ZT”L will become a recipient of the prestigious Israel Prize Lifetime Achievement Award for her life’s work. Education Minister Rabbi Shai Piron announced his decision on Tuesday, 16 Adar II, citing Mrs. Bar-Shalom’s significant contribution to education in Israel. The minister also announced Avi Naor will be the other recipient of the prize after the awards committee signaled its approval of the candidates.

The committee released the following statement: Ms. Adina Bar Shalom merits the prize due to her performance towards bridging the gap and social disparities and promoting integration between the chareidi lifestyle and higher education. Mrs. Bar Shalom with her faith led projects in which members of chareidi society acquire education alongside religious studies as a means of social mobility and integration into the labor market. Adina Bar Shalom was able to navigate the choppy waters and opposing views, resulting in her significant contribution.”

Regarding the second candidate, Avi Naor: Mr. Naor is a founding father of the high tech. He chose to devote his best energies and money initiatives to spearhead a breakthrough in the fight against road accidents and in society. Avi Naor founded and financed the Ohr Yarok (Green Light) Association that successfully leads the fight thorough road accidents and was a major factor in the significant decline in the number of fatalities per year over the years. Avi Naor invests in a variety of social activities to address youths at risk and disadvantaged populations. His activities set a new standard of involvement and management at the highest level and that is leading through the involvement of the social third sector.”

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

5 Responses

  1. “Mrs. Bar Shalom with her faith led projects in which members of chareidi society acquire education alongside religious studies as a means of social mobility and integration into the labor market.”

    Sounds to me like she is trying to destroy Torah and pull people away from learning. Even if some people aren’t enticed by her program, I’m sure many will leave learning earlier than if she hadn’t started this. Also, a stated goal is to integrate chareidim into the labor market, which is just one step away from integrating them into the army and then into society in general. This is very dangerous, and I hope she doesn’t really hate Torah and mitzvose. Of course the government is happy with this…. just devious….

  2. M

    You are reading how Shai Piron described her work. We k ow where he is coming from. What she did, may be quite different – enabling those chareidim who, for whatever reason, do not plan to learn fulltime as a career, an opportunity to earn a parnoso in a kavod-dik way, not with bizyonos.

  3. Joseph the spammer said: “Sounds to me like she is trying to destroy Torah and pull people away from learning.”

    She did it under the guidance of a great posek. But you can’t understand that. Your Daas is the opposite of Rabbanim.

    Chareidim need to support their large families, and therefore they need good paying jobs which require job training. But you would not understand that living in you mom’s basement.

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