AIPAC Says Kerry ‘Apartheid’ Remarks Are Deeply Troubling

john-kerryThe following is a statement from AIPAC:

The reported remarks on apartheid by Secretary of State John Kerry on Friday are deeply troubling. Any suggestion that Israel is, or is at risk of becoming, an apartheid state is offensive and inappropriate. The Jewish state is a shining light for freedom and opportunity in a region plagued by terror, hate and oppression.

Israel is the lone stable democracy in the Middle East, and protects the rights of minorities regardless of ethnicity or religion. The Jewish state is proud to have a robust free press and elections, respect for women’s rights, and the representation of minorities across its government, including the twelve Arab members of its legislature and Salim Joubran on its Supreme Court.

AIPAC shares President Obama’s perspective that while there is a political conflict between Israel and the Palestinians that needs to be resolved, the use of the term “apartheid” to characterize Israel is inaccurate and unhelpful. As the president said in 2008, “There’s no doubt that Israel and the Palestinians have tough issues to work out to get to the goal of two states living side by side in peace and security, but injecting a term like apartheid into the discussion doesn’t advance that goal. It’s emotionally loaded, historically inaccurate, and it’s not what I believe.”

At this critical moment, the true focus of those who support peace should be on urging President Abbas to revoke his destructive agreement with the terrorist organization Hamas, and continue peace negotiations with Israel without preconditions.

2 Responses

  1. Kerry has now set himself APART from all previous U.S. officials with this ridiculous and nonsensical comment. He is in a total state of apartheid all by himslef. He is similar to a BAAL-KERRI who must be set apart for a time before being welcomed back into the fold.
    His resignation would be a welcome gesture.

  2. John kerry is an anti semite in the worst way. He has a big mouth and does not know what he is talking about. When he ran for higher office, he was found to be a big liar. He still is.

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